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IVippsRecurringPaymentServiceCreateVippsOrderAgreement Method

Creates a new Vipps MobilePay Recurring Agreement with a "two phased" agreement registrations. It is necessary to create an order with OrderSubscription before making a request to CreateVippsOrderAgreement. The flow will be like this: 1. Make a request to OrderSubscription (SubscriptionOrderService) with PaymentType = "VIPPS" OR "MPS" and "ParticipateInOnlinePaymentFlow = "true". 2. Then make a request to CreateVippsOrderAgreement (VippsRecurringPaymentService). Use the OrderReference from OrderSubscription as the OrderId. If the MobileNumber is empty the MobileTelephoneNumber in the OrderSubscription request will be used as the mobile number in the Vipps agreement. 3. Before completing the order by calling CompleteSubscription (SubscriptionOrderService) the user must approve the Vipps MobilePAy Agreement in the Vipps MobilePay application.

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.ServiceContracts.Subscriptions.Economy.Payments
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
Task<VippsAgreementResponse> CreateVippsOrderAgreement(
	CreateVippsOrderAgreementRequest request


request  CreateVippsOrderAgreementRequest
The request.

Return Value

The response with the information from Vipps.
Hanmsoll, 26.09.2018.
See Also