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Infosoft.Common.Contracts.MessageContracts.Scheduler Namespace

Public classGetAllTriggersRequest Provides data for the request to the GetAllTriggers operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classGetDescriptionForCronExpressionRequest Provides data for the request to the GetDescriptionForCronExpression operation on ICronExpressionService.
Public classGetDescriptionForCronExpressionResponse Provides data for the response from the GetDescriptionForCronExpression operation on ICronExpressionService.
Public classGetJobExecutionsInPeriodRequest Provides data for the request to the GetJobExecutionsInPeriod operation on IJobExecutionService.
Public classGetTriggerByNameRequest Provides data for the request to the GetTriggerByName operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classGetTriggerResponse Provides data for the response from operations that retrieve a single trigger.
Public classGetTriggersByJobRequest Provides data for the request to the GetTriggersByJob operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classGetTriggersResponse Provides data for the response from operations that retrieve a list of triggers.
Public classJobExecutionDataListResponse Provides data for the response from the GetJobExecutionsInPeriod operation on IJobExecutionService.
Public classPauseTriggerRequest Provides data for the request to the PauseTrigger operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classPauseTriggerResponse Provides data for the response from the PauseTrigger operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classRemoveTriggerRequest Provides data for the request to the RemoveTrigger operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classRemoveTriggerResponse Provides data for the response from the RemoveTrigger operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classResumeTriggerRequest Provides data for the request to ResumeTrigger operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classResumeTriggerResponse Provides data for the response from the ResumeTrigger operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classScheduleOnceRequest Provides data for the request to the ScheduleOnce operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classScheduleResponse Provides data for the response from multiple operations on ISchedulerService.
Public classScheduleWithCronExpressionRequest Provides data for the request to the ScheduleWithCronExpression operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classScheduleWithIntervalRequest Provides data for the request to the ScheduleWithInterval operation on ISchedulerService.
Public classValidateCronExpressionRequest Provides data for the request to the ValidateCronExpression operation on ICronExpressionService.
Public classValidateCronExpressionResponse Provides data for the response from the ValidateCronExpression operation on ICronExpressionService.