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Infosoft.Common.Contracts.FaultContracts Namespace

Public classAccountTextAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an AccountText was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAccountTextNotFoundFault A fault indicating that AccountText was not found.
Public classActiveRouteAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ActiveRoute was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classActiveRouteNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ActiveRoute was not found.
Public classActivityAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Activity was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classActivityNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Activity was not found.
Public classAddOnAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an AddOn was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAddOnDeliveryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an AddOnDelivery was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAddOnDeliveryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that AddOnDelivery was not found.
Public classAddOnNotFoundFault A fault indicating that AddOn was not found.
Public classAddOnPriceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an AddOnPrice was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAddOnPriceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that AddOnPrice was not found.
Public classAddressAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Address was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAddressNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Address was not found.
Public classAddressTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an AddressType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAddressTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that AddressType was not found.
Public classAdministrationFeeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an AdministrationFee was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAdministrationFeeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that AdministrationFee was not found.
Public classAlternativeInvoiceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an AlternativeInvoice was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classAlternativeInvoiceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that AlternativeInvoice was not found.
Public classArgumentNullFault An argument null fault.
Public classArticleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Article was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classArticleGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ArticleGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classArticleGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ArticleGroup was not found.
Public classArticleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Article was not found.
Public classBalanceReportLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a BalanceReportLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classBalanceReportLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that BalanceReportLog was not found.
Public classBankVerification_x_CurrencyAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a BankVerification_x_Currency was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classBankVerification_x_CurrencyNotFoundFault A fault indicating that BankVerification_x_Currency was not found.
Public classBankVerificationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a BankVerification was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classBankVerificationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that BankVerification was not found.
Public classBundleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Bundle was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classBundleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Bundle was not found.
Public classBundleProductAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a BundleProduct was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classBundleProductNotFoundFault A fault indicating that BundleProduct was not found.
Public classCallResultAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CallResult was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCallResultNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CallResult was not found.
Public classCampaign_x_CustomerAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Campaign_x_Customer was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCampaign_x_CustomerNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Campaign_x_Customer was not found.
Public classCampaignAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Campaign was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCampaignNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Campaign was not found.
Public classCommissionCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CommissionCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCommissionCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CommissionCode was not found.
Public classCommunicationChannelAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CommunicationChannel was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCommunicationChannelDirectionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CommunicationChannelDirection was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCommunicationChannelDirectionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CommunicationChannelDirection was not found.
Public classCommunicationChannelNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CommunicationChannel was not found.
Public classCommunicationChannelSetupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CommunicationChannelSetup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCommunicationChannelSetupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CommunicationChannelSetup was not found.
Public classCommunicationStatusAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CommunicationStatus was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCommunicationStatusNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CommunicationStatus was not found.
Public classCommunicationTemplateAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CommunicationTemplate was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCommunicationTemplateNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CommunicationTemplate was not found.
Public classComplaintAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Complaint was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classComplaintNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Complaint was not found.
Public classComplaintTextAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ComplaintText was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classComplaintTextNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ComplaintText was not found.
Public classConcurrencyFault A fault indicating that a concurrency violation was encountered when a database update was attempted.
Public classConfigurationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Configuration was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classConfigurationFault A fault indicating that
Public classConfigurationGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ConfigurationGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classConfigurationGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ConfigurationGroup was not found.
Public classConfigurationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Configuration was not found.
Public classContactAgreementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ContactAgreement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classContactAgreementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ContactAgreement was not found.
Public classContactPersonAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ContactPerson was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classContactPersonNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ContactPerson was not found.
Public classCorporateAgreementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorporateAgreementDiscountAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementDiscount was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorporateAgreementDiscountNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementDiscount was not found.
Public classCorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail was not found.
Public classCorporateAgreementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CorporateAgreement was not found.
Public classCorporateAgreementProductAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementProduct was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorporateAgreementProductNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementProduct was not found.
Public classCorporateAgreementTermAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementTerm was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorporateAgreementTermNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementTerm was not found.
Public classCorrectionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Correction was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorrectionCode_x_SystemUserAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorrectionCode_x_SystemUserNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser was not found.
Public classCorrectionCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CorrectionCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCorrectionCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CorrectionCode was not found.
Public classCorrectionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Correction was not found.
Public classCountryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Country was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCountryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Country was not found.
Public classCurrencyAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Currency was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCurrencyConversionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CurrencyConversion was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCurrencyConversionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CurrencyConversion was not found.
Public classCurrencyNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Currency was not found.
Public classCustomer_x_DynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Customer_x_DynamicAttribute was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomer_x_DynamicAttributeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Customer_x_DynamicAttribute was not found.
Public classCustomerAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Customer was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerBankAccountAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerBankAccount was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerBankAccountNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerBankAccount was not found.
Public classCustomerCommunicationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerCommunication was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerCommunicationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerCommunication was not found.
Public classCustomerCorporateAgreementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerCorporateAgreement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerCorporateAgreementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerCorporateAgreement was not found.
Public classCustomerDeleteLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerDeleteLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerDeleteLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerDeleteLog was not found.
Public classCustomerExternalInfoAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerExternalInfo was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerExternalInfoNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerExternalInfo was not found.
Public classCustomerLimitationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerLimitation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerLimitationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerLimitation was not found.
Public classCustomerLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerLogEntryTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerLogEntryType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerLogEntryTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerLogEntryType was not found.
Public classCustomerLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerLog was not found.
Public classCustomerNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Customer was not found.
Public classCustomerOrderAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerOrder was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerOrderNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerOrder was not found.
Public classCustomerRelationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerRelation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerRelationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerRelation was not found.
Public classCustomerReservationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerReservation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerReservationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerReservation was not found.
Public classCustomerSupplementServiceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerSupplementService was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerSupplementServiceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerSupplementService was not found.
Public classCustomerTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerType was not found.
Public classCustomerUserAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerUser was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerUserNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerUser was not found.
Public classCustomerWebInfoAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a CustomerWebInfo was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classCustomerWebInfoNotFoundFault A fault indicating that CustomerWebInfo was not found.
Public classDailyNewspaperNumberAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DailyNewspaperNumber was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDailyNewspaperNumberNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DailyNewspaperNumber was not found.
Public classDailyStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DailyStatistics was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDailyStatisticsNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DailyStatistics was not found.
Public classDailyZipCodeStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DailyZipCodeStatistics was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDailyZipCodeStatisticsNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DailyZipCodeStatistics was not found.
Public classDeliveryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Delivery was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryChangeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryChange was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryChangeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryChange was not found.
Public classDeliveryChangeOrderAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryChangeOrder was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryChangeOrderNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryChangeOrder was not found.
Public classDeliveryDistributionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryDistribution was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryDistributionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryDistribution was not found.
Public classDeliveryElement_x_FrequencyAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryElement_x_Frequency was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryElement_x_FrequencyNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryElement_x_Frequency was not found.
Public classDeliveryElementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryElement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryElementCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryElementCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryElementCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryElementCode was not found.
Public classDeliveryElementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryElement was not found.
Public classDeliveryElementStructureViolationFault This exception is thrown when a new deliveryelement overlaps an already existing deliveryelement.
Public classDeliveryElementTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryElementType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryElementTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryElementType was not found.
Public classDeliveryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Delivery was not found.
Public classDeliveryRegistrationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DeliveryRegistration was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDeliveryRegistrationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DeliveryRegistration was not found.
Public classDiscountAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Discount was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDiscountNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Discount was not found.
Public classDiscountResponsibleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DiscountResponsible was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDiscountResponsibleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DiscountResponsible was not found.
Public classDiscountStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DiscountStatistics was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDiscountStatisticsNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DiscountStatistics was not found.
Public classDistributionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Distribution was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDistributionCompanyAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DistributionCompany was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDistributionCompanyNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DistributionCompany was not found.
Public classDistributionInterchangeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DistributionInterchange was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDistributionInterchangeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DistributionInterchange was not found.
Public classDistributionMessageAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DistributionMessage was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDistributionMessageNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DistributionMessage was not found.
Public classDistributionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Distribution was not found.
Public classDistributionTextAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DistributionText was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDistributionTextNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DistributionText was not found.
Public classDropOffPointAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DropOffPoint was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDropOffPointNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DropOffPoint was not found.
Public classDynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DynamicAttribute was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDynamicAttributeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DynamicAttribute was not found.
Public classDynamicAttributeTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DynamicAttributeType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDynamicAttributeTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DynamicAttributeType was not found.
Public classDynamicReportDataAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DynamicReportData was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDynamicReportDataNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DynamicReportData was not found.
Public classDynamicReportDataSetupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a DynamicReportDataSetup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classDynamicReportDataSetupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that DynamicReportDataSetup was not found.
Public classEconomySubscriptionLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an EconomySubscriptionLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classEconomySubscriptionLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that EconomySubscriptionLog was not found.
Public classEconomySubscriptionLogTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an EconomySubscriptionLogType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classEconomySubscriptionLogTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that EconomySubscriptionLogType was not found.
Public classEditionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Edition was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classEditionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Edition was not found.
Public classEmploymentTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an EmploymentType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classEmploymentTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that EmploymentType was not found.
Public classEntityValidationFault Provides data for all faults that indicate an entity validation error, i.e. that one or more fields on the entity had values that didn't conform to the domain and/or data model specifications.
Public classEventAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Event was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classEventNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Event was not found.
Public classExternalAccountingAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ExternalAccounting was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classExternalAccountingNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ExternalAccounting was not found.
Public classExternalChangeTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ExternalChangeType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classExternalChangeTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ExternalChangeType was not found.
Public classExternalDistributionInfoTBAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ExternalDistributionInfoTB was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classExternalDistributionInfoTBNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ExternalDistributionInfoTB was not found.
Public classExternalDuplicateAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ExternalDuplicate was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classExternalDuplicateNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ExternalDuplicate was not found.
Public classExternalPaymentReferenceDueAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ExternalPaymentReferenceDue was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classExternalPaymentReferenceDueNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ExternalPaymentReferenceDue was not found.
Public classFileReadFault A fault indicating that
Public classForeignKeyViolationFault A fault indicating that a foreign key (i.e. a reference from one table to another) has been violated, because the foreign key on the child table is pointing to a parent that doesn't exist.
Public classFrequencyAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Frequency was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classFrequencyNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Frequency was not found.
Public classFrequencyTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a FrequencyType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classFrequencyTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that FrequencyType was not found.
Public classHolidayAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Holiday was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classHolidayNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Holiday was not found.
Public classHouseholdAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Household was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classHouseholdNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Household was not found.
Public classHVEMGAARAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a HVEMGAAR was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classHVEMGAARNotFoundFault A fault indicating that HVEMGAAR was not found.
Public classImportColumnAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportColumn was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportColumnNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportColumn was not found.
Public classImportedRetailerAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportedRetailer was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportedRetailerNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportedRetailer was not found.
Public classImportFilterValueAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportFilterValue was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportFilterValueNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportFilterValue was not found.
Public classImportFormatAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportFormat was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportFormatColumnAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportFormatColumn was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportFormatColumnNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportFormatColumn was not found.
Public classImportFormatLineAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportFormatLine was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportFormatLineNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportFormatLine was not found.
Public classImportFormatNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportFormat was not found.
Public classImportLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportLog was not found.
Public classImportSetupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ImportSetup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classImportSetupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ImportSetup was not found.
Public classInfoSystemAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InfoSystem was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInfoSystemNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InfoSystem was not found.
Public classInitiativeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Initiative was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInitiativeGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InitiativeGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInitiativeGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InitiativeGroup was not found.
Public classInitiativeLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InitiativeLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInitiativeLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InitiativeLog was not found.
Public classInitiativeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Initiative was not found.
Public classInitiativeTaskAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InitiativeTask was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInitiativeTaskNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InitiativeTask was not found.
Public classInitiativeTriggerAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InitiativeTrigger was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInitiativeTriggerNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InitiativeTrigger was not found.
Public classInstitution_x_TitleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Institution_x_Title was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInstitution_x_TitleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Institution_x_Title was not found.
Public classInstitutionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Institution was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInstitutionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Institution was not found.
Public classInstitutionTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InstitutionType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInstitutionTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InstitutionType was not found.
Public classInterchangeLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InterchangeLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInterchangeLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InterchangeLog was not found.
Public classInterchangeLogTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InterchangeLogType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInterchangeLogTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InterchangeLogType was not found.
Public classInvalidValueFault A fault indicating that validation failed for one of the parameters of a payment API method.
Public classInvoiceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Invoice was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceFeeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceFee was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceFeeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceFee was not found.
Public classInvoiceMessageAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceMessage was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceMessageNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceMessage was not found.
Public classInvoiceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Invoice was not found.
Public classInvoicePrintAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoicePrint was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoicePrintNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoicePrint was not found.
Public classInvoicePrintResultAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoicePrintResult was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoicePrintResultNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoicePrintResult was not found.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_AltTermAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_AltTermNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm was not found.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_CampaignAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_CampaignNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign was not found.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_DateAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_Date was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_DateNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_Date was not found.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_TermAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_Term was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceProduction_x_TermNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_Term was not found.
Public classInvoiceProductionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceProductionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction was not found.
Public classInvoiceReminderAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceReminder was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceReminderNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceReminder was not found.
Public classInvoiceTransactionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an InvoiceTransaction was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classInvoiceTransactionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that InvoiceTransaction was not found.
Public classISO3166AlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an ISO3166 was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classISO3166NotFoundFault A fault indicating that ISO3166 was not found.
Public classJobExecutionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a JobExecution was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classJobExecutionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that JobExecution was not found.
Public classJobTitleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a JobTitle was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classJobTitleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that JobTitle was not found.
Public classJointInvoiceDetailAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a JointInvoiceDetail was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classJointInvoiceDetailNotFoundFault A fault indicating that JointInvoiceDetail was not found.
Public classLanguageAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Language was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classLanguageNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Language was not found.
Public classMailLocationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MailLocation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMailLocationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MailLocation was not found.
Public classMarketingActivity_x_CustomerAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity_x_Customer was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMarketingActivity_x_CustomerNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MarketingActivity_x_Customer was not found.
Public classMarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute was not found.
Public classMarketingActivity_x_ResponseAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity_x_Response was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMarketingActivity_x_ResponseNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MarketingActivity_x_Response was not found.
Public classMarketingActivityAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMarketingActivityDiscountAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MarketingActivityDiscount was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMarketingActivityDiscountNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MarketingActivityDiscount was not found.
Public classMarketingActivityNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MarketingActivity was not found.
Public classMarketingChannelAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MarketingChannel was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMarketingChannelNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MarketingChannel was not found.
Public classMassRegulationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MassRegulation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMassRegulationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MassRegulation was not found.
Public classMembershipAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Membership was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMembershipHistoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MembershipHistory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMembershipHistoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MembershipHistory was not found.
Public classMembershipNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Membership was not found.
Public classMembershipTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MembershipType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMembershipTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MembershipType was not found.
Public classMessageEntryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MessageEntry was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMessageEntryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MessageEntry was not found.
Public classMessageQueueAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MessageQueue was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMessageQueueNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MessageQueue was not found.
Public classMosaicCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a MosaicCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMosaicCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that MosaicCode was not found.
Public classMultipleMatchesFault A generic fault indicating that there were multiple matches were found when only one was expected.
Public classMunicipalityAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Municipality was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classMunicipalityNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Municipality was not found.
Public classNoteAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Note was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classNoteNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Note was not found.
Public classNotificationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Notification was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classNotificationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Notification was not found.
Public classNotificationResultAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a NotificationResult was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classNotificationResultNotFoundFault A fault indicating that NotificationResult was not found.
Public classNotSupportedFault A generic fault indicating that some attempted operation was not supported. The fault message may contain more information.
Public classNumberCorrectionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a NumberCorrection was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classNumberCorrectionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that NumberCorrection was not found.
Public classNumberCorrectionReasonAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a NumberCorrectionReason was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classNumberCorrectionReasonNotFoundFault A fault indicating that NumberCorrectionReason was not found.
Public classOAuthClientAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OAuthClient was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOAuthClientAuthorizationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OAuthClientAuthorization was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOAuthClientAuthorizationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OAuthClientAuthorization was not found.
Public classOAuthClientCallbackAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OAuthClientCallback was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOAuthClientCallbackNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OAuthClientCallback was not found.
Public classOAuthClientNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OAuthClient was not found.
Public classOAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey was not found.
Public classOffer_x_ProductAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Offer_x_Product was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOffer_x_ProductNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Offer_x_Product was not found.
Public classOfferAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an Offer was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOfferNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Offer was not found.
Public classOfferRuleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OfferRule was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOfferRuleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OfferRule was not found.
Public classOfficeLocationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OfficeLocation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOfficeLocationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OfficeLocation was not found.
Public classOpeningHoursAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OpeningHours was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOpeningHoursNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OpeningHours was not found.
Public classOrderDiscountAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OrderDiscount was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOrderDiscountNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OrderDiscount was not found.
Public classOrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute was not found.
Public classOrderLineAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an OrderLine was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classOrderLineNotFoundFault A fault indicating that OrderLine was not found.
Public classPaymentAgreementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PaymentAgreement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentAgreementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PaymentAgreement was not found.
Public classPaymentAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Payment was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Payment was not found.
Public classPaymentProcessAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PaymentProcess was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentProcessNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PaymentProcess was not found.
Public classPaymentSettlementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PaymentSettlement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentSettlementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PaymentSettlement was not found.
Public classPaymentSetupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PaymentSetup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentSetupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PaymentSetup was not found.
Public classPaymentStopAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PaymentStop was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentStopNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PaymentStop was not found.
Public classPaymentTransactionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PaymentTransaction was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentTransactionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PaymentTransaction was not found.
Public classPaymentTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PaymentType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPaymentTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PaymentType was not found.
Public classPermanentChangeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PermanentChange was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPermanentChangeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PermanentChange was not found.
Public classPostActivityAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PostActivity was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPostActivityNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PostActivity was not found.
Public classPostageCategoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PostageCategory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPostageCategoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PostageCategory was not found.
Public classPostenGateVeiAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a PostenGateVei was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPostenGateVeiNotFoundFault A fault indicating that PostenGateVei was not found.
Public classPriceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Price was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classPriceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Price was not found.
Public classProcessingRuleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ProcessingRule was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProcessingRuleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ProcessingRule was not found.
Public classProduct_x_DistributionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Product_x_Distribution was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProduct_x_DistributionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Product_x_Distribution was not found.
Public classProduct_x_TermAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Product_x_Term was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProduct_x_TermNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Product_x_Term was not found.
Public classProductAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Product was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProductCombinationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ProductCombination was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProductCombinationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ProductCombination was not found.
Public classProductionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Production was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProductionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Production was not found.
Public classProductNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Product was not found.
Public classProductReportAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ProductReport was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProductReportNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ProductReport was not found.
Public classProductSaleParameterAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ProductSaleParameter was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProductSaleParameterNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ProductSaleParameter was not found.
Public classProviderStatusTranslateAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ProviderStatusTranslate was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classProviderStatusTranslateNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ProviderStatusTranslate was not found.
Public classQueryCombinationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a QueryCombination was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classQueryCombinationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that QueryCombination was not found.
Public classQueryCompositionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a QueryComposition was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classQueryCompositionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that QueryComposition was not found.
Public classQueryCriteriaAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a QueryCriteria was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classQueryCriteriaNotFoundFault A fault indicating that QueryCriteria was not found.
Public classQueryFault A fault indicating that an error happend while attempting to execute a query. The exception message contains details of the error.
Public classQueryResultAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a QueryResult was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classQueryResultNotFoundFault A fault indicating that QueryResult was not found.
Public classQueryStatementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a QueryStatement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classQueryStatementGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a QueryStatementGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classQueryStatementGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that QueryStatementGroup was not found.
Public classQueryStatementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that QueryStatement was not found.
Public classRelationTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RelationType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRelationTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RelationType was not found.
Public classRemitmentAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Remitment was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRemitmentNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Remitment was not found.
Public classRemovalRuleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RemovalRule was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRemovalRuleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RemovalRule was not found.
Public classReportAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Report was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classReportGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ReportGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classReportGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ReportGroup was not found.
Public classReportNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Report was not found.
Public classReportSourceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ReportSource was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classReportSourceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ReportSource was not found.
Public classReservationCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ReservationCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classReservationCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ReservationCode was not found.
Public classResponse_x_EventAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Response_x_Event was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classResponse_x_EventNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Response_x_Event was not found.
Public classResponseAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Response was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classResponseGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ResponseGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classResponseGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ResponseGroup was not found.
Public classResponseHistoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ResponseHistory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classResponseHistoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ResponseHistory was not found.
Public classResponseMaterialAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ResponseMaterial was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classResponseMaterialNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ResponseMaterial was not found.
Public classResponseMaterialSetupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ResponseMaterialSetup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classResponseMaterialSetupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ResponseMaterialSetup was not found.
Public classResponseNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Response was not found.
Public classResponseReportGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ResponseReportGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classResponseReportGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ResponseReportGroup was not found.
Public classRetailEditionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailEdition was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailEditionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailEdition was not found.
Public classRetailerAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Retailer was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerBillPayerAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerBillPayer was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerBillPayerNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerBillPayer was not found.
Public classRetailerCategoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerCategory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerCategoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerCategory was not found.
Public classRetailerChainAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerChain was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerChainNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerChain was not found.
Public classRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatistics was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatistics was not found.
Public classRetailerDeliveryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerDelivery was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerDeliveryCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerDeliveryCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryCode was not found.
Public classRetailerDeliveryCommissionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryCommission was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerDeliveryCommissionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryCommission was not found.
Public classRetailerDeliveryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerDelivery was not found.
Public classRetailerDeliveryStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryStatistics was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerDeliveryStatisticsNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryStatistics was not found.
Public classRetailerDistrictAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerDistrict was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerDistrictNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerDistrict was not found.
Public classRetailerHistoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerHistory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerHistoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerHistory was not found.
Public classRetailerInvoiceFormularAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceFormular was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerInvoiceFormularNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceFormular was not found.
Public classRetailerInvoiceHistoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceHistory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerInvoiceHistoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceHistory was not found.
Public classRetailerInvoiceLineAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceLine was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerInvoiceLineHistoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceLineHistory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerInvoiceLineHistoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceLineHistory was not found.
Public classRetailerInvoiceLineNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceLine was not found.
Public classRetailerInvoiceSumAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceSum was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceSumHistory was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceSumHistory was not found.
Public classRetailerInvoiceSumNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceSum was not found.
Public classRetailerLocationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerLocation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerLocationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerLocation was not found.
Public classRetailerMarketingAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerMarketing was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerMarketingNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerMarketing was not found.
Public classRetailerNoteAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerNote was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerNoteNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerNote was not found.
Public classRetailerNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Retailer was not found.
Public classRetailerPermanentChangeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerPermanentChange was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerPermanentChangeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerPermanentChange was not found.
Public classRetailerPriceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerPrice was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerPriceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerPrice was not found.
Public classRetailerPriorityCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerPriorityCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerPriorityCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerPriorityCode was not found.
Public classRetailerRestartFeeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerRestartFee was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerRestartFeeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerRestartFee was not found.
Public classRetailerReturnCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerReturnCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerReturnCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerReturnCode was not found.
Public classRetailerRouteAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerRoute was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerRouteNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerRoute was not found.
Public classRetailerSeasonCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerSeasonCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerSeasonCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerSeasonCode was not found.
Public classRetailerStopAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerStop was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerStopCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerStopCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerStopCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerStopCode was not found.
Public classRetailerStopNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerStop was not found.
Public classRetailerTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RetailerType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRetailerTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RetailerType was not found.
Public classRoadAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Road was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRoadChangeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RoadChange was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRoadChangeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RoadChange was not found.
Public classRoadNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Road was not found.
Public classRouteAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Route was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRouteDeliveryIssueAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a RouteDeliveryIssue was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classRouteDeliveryIssueNotFoundFault A fault indicating that RouteDeliveryIssue was not found.
Public classRouteNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Route was not found.
Public classSaleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Sale was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSaleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Sale was not found.
Public classSalesCommissionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SalesCommission was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSalesCommissionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SalesCommission was not found.
Public classSalesPerson_x_TitleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SalesPerson_x_Title was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSalesPerson_x_TitleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SalesPerson_x_Title was not found.
Public classSalesPersonAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SalesPerson was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSalesPersonNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SalesPerson was not found.
Public classSalesSourceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SalesSource was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSalesSourceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SalesSource was not found.
Public classSalesTeamAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SalesTeam was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSalesTeamNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SalesTeam was not found.
Public classSearchAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Search was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSearchNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Search was not found.
Public classSearchStatementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SearchStatement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSearchStatementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SearchStatement was not found.
Public classSegmentationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Segmentation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSegmentationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Segmentation was not found.
Public classSegmentCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SegmentCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSegmentCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SegmentCode was not found.
Public classSequenceNumberAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SequenceNumber was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSequenceNumberNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SequenceNumber was not found.
Public classServiceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Service was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classServiceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Service was not found.
Public classServiceUserAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ServiceUser was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classServiceUserDynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ServiceUserDynamicAttribute was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classServiceUserDynamicAttributeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ServiceUserDynamicAttribute was not found.
Public classServiceUserNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ServiceUser was not found.
Public classServiceUserServiceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ServiceUserService was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classServiceUserServiceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ServiceUserService was not found.
Public classShippingMethodAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ShippingMethod was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classShippingMethodNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ShippingMethod was not found.
Public classStatementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Statement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classStatementGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a StatementGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classStatementGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that StatementGroup was not found.
Public classStatementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Statement was not found.
Public classStreetAlternativeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a StreetAlternative was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classStreetAlternativeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that StreetAlternative was not found.
Public classStreetStandardAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a StreetStandard was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classStreetStandardNotFoundFault A fault indicating that StreetStandard was not found.
Public classSubscriptionAddressAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SubscriptionAddress was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSubscriptionAddressNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SubscriptionAddress was not found.
Public classSubscriptionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Subscription was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement was not found.
Public classSubscriptionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Subscription was not found.
Public classSubscriptionPostActivityAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SubscriptionPostActivity was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSubscriptionPostActivityNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SubscriptionPostActivity was not found.
Public classSubscriptionSaleParameterAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SubscriptionSaleParameter was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSubscriptionSaleParameterNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SubscriptionSaleParameter was not found.
Public classSupplementServiceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SupplementService was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSupplementServiceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SupplementService was not found.
Public classSystemFault A fault indicating that there's some unspecified problem with the system. The exception message may contain more information.
Public classSystemFunctionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SystemFunction was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSystemFunctionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SystemFunction was not found.
Public classSystemOccurrenceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SystemOccurrence was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSystemOccurrenceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SystemOccurrence was not found.
Public classSystemRoleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SystemRole was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSystemRoleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SystemRole was not found.
Public classSystemSettingAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SystemSetting was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSystemSettingNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SystemSetting was not found.
Public classSystemUserAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SystemUser was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSystemUserAuditLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a SystemUserAuditLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classSystemUserAuditLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SystemUserAuditLog was not found.
Public classSystemUserNotFoundFault A fault indicating that SystemUser was not found.
Public classTaxAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Tax was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTaxNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Tax was not found.
Public classTaxPeriodAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a TaxPeriod was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTaxPeriodNotFoundFault A fault indicating that TaxPeriod was not found.
Public classTaxTransactionAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a TaxTransaction was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTaxTransactionNotFoundFault A fault indicating that TaxTransaction was not found.
Public classTermAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Term was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTermNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Term was not found.
Public classTermUnitAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a TermUnit was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTermUnitNotFoundFault A fault indicating that TermUnit was not found.
Public classTermUnitTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a TermUnitType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTermUnitTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that TermUnitType was not found.
Public classTitle_x_PaymentTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Title_x_PaymentType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTitle_x_PaymentTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Title_x_PaymentType was not found.
Public classTitle_x_SystemOccurrenceAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Title_x_SystemOccurrence was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTitle_x_SystemOccurrenceNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Title_x_SystemOccurrence was not found.
Public classTitleAdministrationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a TitleAdministration was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTitleAdministrationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that TitleAdministration was not found.
Public classTitleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Title was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTitleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Title was not found.
Public classTransactionStateAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a TransactionState was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTransactionStateNotFoundFault A fault indicating that TransactionState was not found.
Public classTransportCodeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a TransportCode was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classTransportCodeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that TransportCode was not found.
Public classUMSConfigurationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an UMSConfiguration was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classUMSConfigurationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that UMSConfiguration was not found.
Public classUMSResponseAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an UMSResponse was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classUMSResponseNotFoundFault A fault indicating that UMSResponse was not found.
Public classUMSVoiceConfigurationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an UMSVoiceConfiguration was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classUMSVoiceConfigurationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that UMSVoiceConfiguration was not found.
Public classUMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classUMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseNotFoundFault A fault indicating that UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response was not found.
Public classUMSVoiceProfileAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an UMSVoiceProfile was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classUMSVoiceProfileNotFoundFault A fault indicating that UMSVoiceProfile was not found.
Public classUniqueKeyViolationFault A fault indicating that a unique key has been violated. The unique key could be a primary key, or another candidate key.
Public classUser_x_RoleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that an User_x_Role was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classUser_x_RoleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that User_x_Role was not found.
Public classValidationAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Validation was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classValidationDetailAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ValidationDetail was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classValidationDetailNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ValidationDetail was not found.
Public classValidationNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Validation was not found.
Public classVehicleAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Vehicle was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classVehicleNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Vehicle was not found.
Public classVippsChargeLogAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a VippsChargeLog was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classVippsChargeLogNotFoundFault A fault indicating that VippsChargeLog was not found.
Public classVolumeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Volume was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classVolumeChangeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a VolumeChange was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classVolumeChangeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that VolumeChange was not found.
Public classVolumeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Volume was not found.
Public classZipAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a Zip was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classZipCodeGroupAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ZipCodeGroup was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classZipCodeGroupNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ZipCodeGroup was not found.
Public classZipCodeGroupTypeAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ZipCodeGroupType was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classZipCodeGroupTypeNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ZipCodeGroupType was not found.
Public classZipCodeIntervalAlreadyExistsFault A fault indicating that a ZipCodeInterval was already present in the database, based on the primary key or another candidate key.
Public classZipCodeIntervalNotFoundFault A fault indicating that ZipCodeInterval was not found.
Public classZipNotFoundFault A fault indicating that Zip was not found.