| Class | Description |
| AccountTextAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an AccountText was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AccountTextNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that AccountText was not found.
| ActiveRouteAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ActiveRoute was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ActiveRouteNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ActiveRoute was not found.
| ActivityAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Activity was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ActivityNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Activity was not found.
| AddOnAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an AddOn was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AddOnDeliveryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an AddOnDelivery was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AddOnDeliveryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that AddOnDelivery was not found.
| AddOnNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that AddOn was not found.
| AddOnPriceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an AddOnPrice was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AddOnPriceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that AddOnPrice was not found.
| AddressAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Address was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AddressNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Address was not found.
| AddressTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an AddressType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AddressTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that AddressType was not found.
| AdministrationFeeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an AdministrationFee was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AdministrationFeeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that AdministrationFee was not found.
| AlternativeInvoiceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an AlternativeInvoice was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| AlternativeInvoiceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that AlternativeInvoice was not found.
| ArgumentNullFault | An argument null fault. |
| ArticleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Article was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ArticleGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ArticleGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ArticleGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ArticleGroup was not found.
| ArticleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Article was not found.
| BalanceReportLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a BalanceReportLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| BalanceReportLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that BalanceReportLog was not found.
| BankVerification_x_CurrencyAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a BankVerification_x_Currency was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| BankVerification_x_CurrencyNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that BankVerification_x_Currency was not found.
| BankVerificationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a BankVerification was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| BankVerificationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that BankVerification was not found.
| BundleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Bundle was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| BundleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Bundle was not found.
| BundleProductAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a BundleProduct was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| BundleProductNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that BundleProduct was not found.
| CallResultAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CallResult was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CallResultNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CallResult was not found.
| Campaign_x_CustomerAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Campaign_x_Customer was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Campaign_x_CustomerNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Campaign_x_Customer was not found.
| CampaignAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Campaign was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CampaignNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Campaign was not found.
| CommissionCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CommissionCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CommissionCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CommissionCode was not found.
| CommunicationChannelAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CommunicationChannel was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CommunicationChannelDirectionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CommunicationChannelDirection was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CommunicationChannelDirectionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CommunicationChannelDirection was not found.
| CommunicationChannelNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CommunicationChannel was not found.
| CommunicationChannelSetupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CommunicationChannelSetup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CommunicationChannelSetupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CommunicationChannelSetup was not found.
| CommunicationStatusAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CommunicationStatus was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CommunicationStatusNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CommunicationStatus was not found.
| CommunicationTemplateAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CommunicationTemplate was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CommunicationTemplateNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CommunicationTemplate was not found.
| ComplaintAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Complaint was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ComplaintNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Complaint was not found.
| ComplaintTextAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ComplaintText was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ComplaintTextNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ComplaintText was not found.
| ConcurrencyFault |
A fault indicating that a concurrency violation was encountered when a database update was attempted.
| ConfigurationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Configuration was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ConfigurationFault |
A fault indicating that
| ConfigurationGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ConfigurationGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ConfigurationGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ConfigurationGroup was not found.
| ConfigurationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Configuration was not found.
| ContactAgreementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ContactAgreement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ContactAgreementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ContactAgreement was not found.
| ContactPersonAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ContactPerson was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ContactPersonNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ContactPerson was not found.
| CorporateAgreementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorporateAgreementDiscountAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementDiscount was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorporateAgreementDiscountNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementDiscount was not found.
| CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail was not found.
| CorporateAgreementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CorporateAgreement was not found.
| CorporateAgreementProductAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementProduct was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorporateAgreementProductNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementProduct was not found.
| CorporateAgreementTermAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CorporateAgreementTerm was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorporateAgreementTermNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CorporateAgreementTerm was not found.
| CorrectionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Correction was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorrectionCode_x_SystemUserAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorrectionCode_x_SystemUserNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser was not found.
| CorrectionCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CorrectionCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CorrectionCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CorrectionCode was not found.
| CorrectionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Correction was not found.
| CountryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Country was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CountryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Country was not found.
| CurrencyAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Currency was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CurrencyConversionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CurrencyConversion was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CurrencyConversionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CurrencyConversion was not found.
| CurrencyNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Currency was not found.
| Customer_x_DynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Customer_x_DynamicAttribute was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Customer_x_DynamicAttributeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Customer_x_DynamicAttribute was not found.
| CustomerAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Customer was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerBankAccountAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerBankAccount was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerBankAccountNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerBankAccount was not found.
| CustomerCommunicationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerCommunication was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerCommunicationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerCommunication was not found.
| CustomerCorporateAgreementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerCorporateAgreement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerCorporateAgreementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerCorporateAgreement was not found.
| CustomerDeleteLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerDeleteLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerDeleteLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerDeleteLog was not found.
| CustomerExternalInfoAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerExternalInfo was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerExternalInfoNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerExternalInfo was not found.
| CustomerLimitationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerLimitation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerLimitationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerLimitation was not found.
| CustomerLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerLogEntryTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerLogEntryType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerLogEntryTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerLogEntryType was not found.
| CustomerLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerLog was not found.
| CustomerNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Customer was not found.
| CustomerOrderAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerOrder was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerOrderNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerOrder was not found.
| CustomerRelationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerRelation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerRelationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerRelation was not found.
| CustomerReservationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerReservation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerReservationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerReservation was not found.
| CustomerSupplementServiceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerSupplementService was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerSupplementServiceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerSupplementService was not found.
| CustomerTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerType was not found.
| CustomerUserAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerUser was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerUserNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerUser was not found.
| CustomerWebInfoAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a CustomerWebInfo was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| CustomerWebInfoNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that CustomerWebInfo was not found.
| DailyNewspaperNumberAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DailyNewspaperNumber was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DailyNewspaperNumberNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DailyNewspaperNumber was not found.
| DailyStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DailyStatistics was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DailyStatisticsNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DailyStatistics was not found.
| DailyZipCodeStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DailyZipCodeStatistics was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DailyZipCodeStatisticsNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DailyZipCodeStatistics was not found.
| DeliveryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Delivery was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryChangeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryChange was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryChangeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryChange was not found.
| DeliveryChangeOrderAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryChangeOrder was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryChangeOrderNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryChangeOrder was not found.
| DeliveryDistributionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryDistribution was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryDistributionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryDistribution was not found.
| DeliveryElement_x_FrequencyAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryElement_x_Frequency was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryElement_x_FrequencyNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryElement_x_Frequency was not found.
| DeliveryElementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryElement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryElementCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryElementCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryElementCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryElementCode was not found.
| DeliveryElementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryElement was not found.
| DeliveryElementStructureViolationFault | This exception is thrown when a new deliveryelement overlaps
an already existing deliveryelement. |
| DeliveryElementTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryElementType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryElementTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryElementType was not found.
| DeliveryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Delivery was not found.
| DeliveryRegistrationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DeliveryRegistration was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DeliveryRegistrationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DeliveryRegistration was not found.
| DiscountAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Discount was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DiscountNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Discount was not found.
| DiscountResponsibleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DiscountResponsible was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DiscountResponsibleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DiscountResponsible was not found.
| DiscountStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DiscountStatistics was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DiscountStatisticsNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DiscountStatistics was not found.
| DistributionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Distribution was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DistributionCompanyAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DistributionCompany was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DistributionCompanyNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DistributionCompany was not found.
| DistributionInterchangeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DistributionInterchange was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DistributionInterchangeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DistributionInterchange was not found.
| DistributionMessageAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DistributionMessage was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DistributionMessageNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DistributionMessage was not found.
| DistributionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Distribution was not found.
| DistributionTextAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DistributionText was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DistributionTextNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DistributionText was not found.
| DropOffPointAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DropOffPoint was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DropOffPointNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DropOffPoint was not found.
| DynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DynamicAttribute was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DynamicAttributeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DynamicAttribute was not found.
| DynamicAttributeTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DynamicAttributeType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DynamicAttributeTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DynamicAttributeType was not found.
| DynamicReportDataAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DynamicReportData was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DynamicReportDataNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DynamicReportData was not found.
| DynamicReportDataSetupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a DynamicReportDataSetup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| DynamicReportDataSetupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that DynamicReportDataSetup was not found.
| EconomySubscriptionLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an EconomySubscriptionLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| EconomySubscriptionLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that EconomySubscriptionLog was not found.
| EconomySubscriptionLogTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an EconomySubscriptionLogType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| EconomySubscriptionLogTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that EconomySubscriptionLogType was not found.
| EditionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Edition was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| EditionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Edition was not found.
| EmploymentTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an EmploymentType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| EmploymentTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that EmploymentType was not found.
| EntityValidationFault |
Provides data for all faults that indicate an entity validation error, i.e. that one or more fields on the entity
had values that didn't conform to the domain and/or data model specifications.
| EventAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Event was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| EventNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Event was not found.
| ExternalAccountingAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ExternalAccounting was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ExternalAccountingNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ExternalAccounting was not found.
| ExternalChangeTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ExternalChangeType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ExternalChangeTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ExternalChangeType was not found.
| ExternalDistributionInfoTBAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ExternalDistributionInfoTB was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ExternalDistributionInfoTBNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ExternalDistributionInfoTB was not found.
| ExternalDuplicateAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ExternalDuplicate was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ExternalDuplicateNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ExternalDuplicate was not found.
| ExternalPaymentReferenceDueAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ExternalPaymentReferenceDue was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ExternalPaymentReferenceDueNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ExternalPaymentReferenceDue was not found.
| FileReadFault |
A fault indicating that
| ForeignKeyViolationFault |
A fault indicating that a foreign key (i.e. a reference from one table to another) has been violated,
because the foreign key on the child table is pointing to a parent that doesn't exist.
| FrequencyAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Frequency was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| FrequencyNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Frequency was not found.
| FrequencyTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a FrequencyType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| FrequencyTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that FrequencyType was not found.
| HolidayAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Holiday was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| HolidayNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Holiday was not found.
| HouseholdAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Household was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| HouseholdNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Household was not found.
| HVEMGAARAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a HVEMGAAR was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| HVEMGAARNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that HVEMGAAR was not found.
| ImportColumnAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportColumn was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportColumnNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportColumn was not found.
| ImportedRetailerAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportedRetailer was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportedRetailerNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportedRetailer was not found.
| ImportFilterValueAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportFilterValue was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportFilterValueNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportFilterValue was not found.
| ImportFormatAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportFormat was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportFormatColumnAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportFormatColumn was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportFormatColumnNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportFormatColumn was not found.
| ImportFormatLineAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportFormatLine was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportFormatLineNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportFormatLine was not found.
| ImportFormatNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportFormat was not found.
| ImportLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportLog was not found.
| ImportSetupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ImportSetup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ImportSetupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ImportSetup was not found.
| InfoSystemAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InfoSystem was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InfoSystemNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InfoSystem was not found.
| InitiativeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Initiative was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InitiativeGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InitiativeGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InitiativeGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InitiativeGroup was not found.
| InitiativeLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InitiativeLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InitiativeLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InitiativeLog was not found.
| InitiativeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Initiative was not found.
| InitiativeTaskAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InitiativeTask was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InitiativeTaskNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InitiativeTask was not found.
| InitiativeTriggerAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InitiativeTrigger was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InitiativeTriggerNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InitiativeTrigger was not found.
| Institution_x_TitleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Institution_x_Title was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Institution_x_TitleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Institution_x_Title was not found.
| InstitutionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Institution was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InstitutionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Institution was not found.
| InstitutionTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InstitutionType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InstitutionTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InstitutionType was not found.
| InterchangeLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InterchangeLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InterchangeLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InterchangeLog was not found.
| InterchangeLogTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InterchangeLogType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InterchangeLogTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InterchangeLogType was not found.
| InvalidValueFault |
A fault indicating that validation failed for one of the parameters of a payment API method.
| InvoiceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Invoice was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceFeeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceFee was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceFeeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceFee was not found.
| InvoiceMessageAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceMessage was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceMessageNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceMessage was not found.
| InvoiceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Invoice was not found.
| InvoicePrintAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoicePrint was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoicePrintNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoicePrint was not found.
| InvoicePrintResultAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoicePrintResult was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoicePrintResultNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoicePrintResult was not found.
| InvoiceProduction_x_AltTermAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceProduction_x_AltTermNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm was not found.
| InvoiceProduction_x_CampaignAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceProduction_x_CampaignNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign was not found.
| InvoiceProduction_x_DateAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_Date was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceProduction_x_DateNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_Date was not found.
| InvoiceProduction_x_TermAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction_x_Term was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceProduction_x_TermNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction_x_Term was not found.
| InvoiceProductionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceProduction was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceProductionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceProduction was not found.
| InvoiceReminderAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceReminder was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceReminderNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceReminder was not found.
| InvoiceTransactionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an InvoiceTransaction was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| InvoiceTransactionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that InvoiceTransaction was not found.
| ISO3166AlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an ISO3166 was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ISO3166NotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ISO3166 was not found.
| JobExecutionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a JobExecution was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| JobExecutionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that JobExecution was not found.
| JobTitleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a JobTitle was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| JobTitleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that JobTitle was not found.
| JointInvoiceDetailAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a JointInvoiceDetail was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| JointInvoiceDetailNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that JointInvoiceDetail was not found.
| LanguageAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Language was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| LanguageNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Language was not found.
| MailLocationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MailLocation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MailLocationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MailLocation was not found.
| MarketingActivity_x_CustomerAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity_x_Customer was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MarketingActivity_x_CustomerNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MarketingActivity_x_Customer was not found.
| MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute was not found.
| MarketingActivity_x_ResponseAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity_x_Response was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MarketingActivity_x_ResponseNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MarketingActivity_x_Response was not found.
| MarketingActivityAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MarketingActivity was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MarketingActivityDiscountAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MarketingActivityDiscount was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MarketingActivityDiscountNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MarketingActivityDiscount was not found.
| MarketingActivityNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MarketingActivity was not found.
| MarketingChannelAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MarketingChannel was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MarketingChannelNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MarketingChannel was not found.
| MassRegulationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MassRegulation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MassRegulationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MassRegulation was not found.
| MembershipAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Membership was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MembershipHistoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MembershipHistory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MembershipHistoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MembershipHistory was not found.
| MembershipNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Membership was not found.
| MembershipTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MembershipType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MembershipTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MembershipType was not found.
| MessageEntryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MessageEntry was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MessageEntryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MessageEntry was not found.
| MessageQueueAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MessageQueue was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MessageQueueNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MessageQueue was not found.
| MosaicCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a MosaicCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MosaicCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that MosaicCode was not found.
| MultipleMatchesFault |
A generic fault indicating that there were multiple matches were found when only one was expected.
| MunicipalityAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Municipality was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| MunicipalityNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Municipality was not found.
| NoteAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Note was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| NoteNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Note was not found.
| NotificationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Notification was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| NotificationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Notification was not found.
| NotificationResultAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a NotificationResult was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| NotificationResultNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that NotificationResult was not found.
| NotSupportedFault |
A generic fault indicating that some attempted operation was not supported. The fault message may contain more information.
| NumberCorrectionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a NumberCorrection was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| NumberCorrectionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that NumberCorrection was not found.
| NumberCorrectionReasonAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a NumberCorrectionReason was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| NumberCorrectionReasonNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that NumberCorrectionReason was not found.
| OAuthClientAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OAuthClient was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OAuthClientAuthorizationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OAuthClientAuthorization was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OAuthClientAuthorizationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OAuthClientAuthorization was not found.
| OAuthClientCallbackAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OAuthClientCallback was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OAuthClientCallbackNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OAuthClientCallback was not found.
| OAuthClientNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OAuthClient was not found.
| OAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey was not found.
| Offer_x_ProductAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Offer_x_Product was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Offer_x_ProductNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Offer_x_Product was not found.
| OfferAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an Offer was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OfferNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Offer was not found.
| OfferRuleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OfferRule was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OfferRuleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OfferRule was not found.
| OfficeLocationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OfficeLocation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OfficeLocationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OfficeLocation was not found.
| OpeningHoursAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OpeningHours was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OpeningHoursNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OpeningHours was not found.
| OrderDiscountAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OrderDiscount was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OrderDiscountNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OrderDiscount was not found.
| OrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute was not found.
| OrderLineAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an OrderLine was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| OrderLineNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that OrderLine was not found.
| PaymentAgreementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PaymentAgreement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentAgreementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PaymentAgreement was not found.
| PaymentAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Payment was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Payment was not found.
| PaymentProcessAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PaymentProcess was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentProcessNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PaymentProcess was not found.
| PaymentSettlementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PaymentSettlement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentSettlementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PaymentSettlement was not found.
| PaymentSetupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PaymentSetup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentSetupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PaymentSetup was not found.
| PaymentStopAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PaymentStop was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentStopNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PaymentStop was not found.
| PaymentTransactionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PaymentTransaction was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentTransactionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PaymentTransaction was not found.
| PaymentTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PaymentType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PaymentTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PaymentType was not found.
| PermanentChangeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PermanentChange was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PermanentChangeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PermanentChange was not found.
| PostActivityAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PostActivity was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PostActivityNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PostActivity was not found.
| PostageCategoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PostageCategory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PostageCategoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PostageCategory was not found.
| PostenGateVeiAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a PostenGateVei was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PostenGateVeiNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that PostenGateVei was not found.
| PriceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Price was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| PriceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Price was not found.
| ProcessingRuleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ProcessingRule was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ProcessingRuleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ProcessingRule was not found.
| Product_x_DistributionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Product_x_Distribution was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Product_x_DistributionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Product_x_Distribution was not found.
| Product_x_TermAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Product_x_Term was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Product_x_TermNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Product_x_Term was not found.
| ProductAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Product was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ProductCombinationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ProductCombination was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ProductCombinationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ProductCombination was not found.
| ProductionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Production was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ProductionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Production was not found.
| ProductNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Product was not found.
| ProductReportAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ProductReport was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ProductReportNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ProductReport was not found.
| ProductSaleParameterAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ProductSaleParameter was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ProductSaleParameterNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ProductSaleParameter was not found.
| ProviderStatusTranslateAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ProviderStatusTranslate was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ProviderStatusTranslateNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ProviderStatusTranslate was not found.
| QueryCombinationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a QueryCombination was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| QueryCombinationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that QueryCombination was not found.
| QueryCompositionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a QueryComposition was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| QueryCompositionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that QueryComposition was not found.
| QueryCriteriaAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a QueryCriteria was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| QueryCriteriaNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that QueryCriteria was not found.
| QueryFault |
A fault indicating that an error happend while attempting to execute a query. The exception message contains details of the error.
| QueryResultAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a QueryResult was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| QueryResultNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that QueryResult was not found.
| QueryStatementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a QueryStatement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| QueryStatementGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a QueryStatementGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| QueryStatementGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that QueryStatementGroup was not found.
| QueryStatementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that QueryStatement was not found.
| RelationTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RelationType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RelationTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RelationType was not found.
| RemitmentAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Remitment was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RemitmentNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Remitment was not found.
| RemovalRuleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RemovalRule was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RemovalRuleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RemovalRule was not found.
| ReportAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Report was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ReportGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ReportGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ReportGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ReportGroup was not found.
| ReportNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Report was not found.
| ReportSourceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ReportSource was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ReportSourceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ReportSource was not found.
| ReservationCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ReservationCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ReservationCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ReservationCode was not found.
| Response_x_EventAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Response_x_Event was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Response_x_EventNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Response_x_Event was not found.
| ResponseAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Response was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ResponseGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ResponseGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ResponseGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ResponseGroup was not found.
| ResponseHistoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ResponseHistory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ResponseHistoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ResponseHistory was not found.
| ResponseMaterialAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ResponseMaterial was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ResponseMaterialNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ResponseMaterial was not found.
| ResponseMaterialSetupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ResponseMaterialSetup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ResponseMaterialSetupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ResponseMaterialSetup was not found.
| ResponseNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Response was not found.
| ResponseReportGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ResponseReportGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ResponseReportGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ResponseReportGroup was not found.
| RetailEditionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailEdition was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailEditionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailEdition was not found.
| RetailerAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Retailer was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerBillPayerAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerBillPayer was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerBillPayerNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerBillPayer was not found.
| RetailerCategoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerCategory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerCategoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerCategory was not found.
| RetailerChainAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerChain was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerChainNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerChain was not found.
| RetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatistics was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatistics was not found.
| RetailerDeliveryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerDelivery was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerDeliveryCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerDeliveryCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryCode was not found.
| RetailerDeliveryCommissionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryCommission was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerDeliveryCommissionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryCommission was not found.
| RetailerDeliveryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerDelivery was not found.
| RetailerDeliveryStatisticsAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerDeliveryStatistics was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerDeliveryStatisticsNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerDeliveryStatistics was not found.
| RetailerDistrictAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerDistrict was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerDistrictNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerDistrict was not found.
| RetailerHistoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerHistory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerHistoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerHistory was not found.
| RetailerInvoiceFormularAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceFormular was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerInvoiceFormularNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceFormular was not found.
| RetailerInvoiceHistoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceHistory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerInvoiceHistoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceHistory was not found.
| RetailerInvoiceLineAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceLine was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerInvoiceLineHistoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceLineHistory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerInvoiceLineHistoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceLineHistory was not found.
| RetailerInvoiceLineNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceLine was not found.
| RetailerInvoiceSumAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceSum was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerInvoiceSumHistoryAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerInvoiceSumHistory was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerInvoiceSumHistoryNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceSumHistory was not found.
| RetailerInvoiceSumNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerInvoiceSum was not found.
| RetailerLocationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerLocation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerLocationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerLocation was not found.
| RetailerMarketingAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerMarketing was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerMarketingNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerMarketing was not found.
| RetailerNoteAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerNote was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerNoteNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerNote was not found.
| RetailerNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Retailer was not found.
| RetailerPermanentChangeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerPermanentChange was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerPermanentChangeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerPermanentChange was not found.
| RetailerPriceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerPrice was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerPriceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerPrice was not found.
| RetailerPriorityCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerPriorityCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerPriorityCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerPriorityCode was not found.
| RetailerRestartFeeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerRestartFee was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerRestartFeeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerRestartFee was not found.
| RetailerReturnCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerReturnCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerReturnCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerReturnCode was not found.
| RetailerRouteAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerRoute was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerRouteNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerRoute was not found.
| RetailerSeasonCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerSeasonCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerSeasonCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerSeasonCode was not found.
| RetailerStopAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerStop was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerStopCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerStopCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerStopCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerStopCode was not found.
| RetailerStopNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerStop was not found.
| RetailerTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RetailerType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RetailerTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RetailerType was not found.
| RoadAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Road was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RoadChangeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RoadChange was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RoadChangeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RoadChange was not found.
| RoadNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Road was not found.
| RouteAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Route was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RouteDeliveryIssueAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a RouteDeliveryIssue was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| RouteDeliveryIssueNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that RouteDeliveryIssue was not found.
| RouteNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Route was not found.
| SaleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Sale was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SaleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Sale was not found.
| SalesCommissionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SalesCommission was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SalesCommissionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SalesCommission was not found.
| SalesPerson_x_TitleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SalesPerson_x_Title was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SalesPerson_x_TitleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SalesPerson_x_Title was not found.
| SalesPersonAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SalesPerson was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SalesPersonNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SalesPerson was not found.
| SalesSourceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SalesSource was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SalesSourceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SalesSource was not found.
| SalesTeamAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SalesTeam was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SalesTeamNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SalesTeam was not found.
| SearchAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Search was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SearchNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Search was not found.
| SearchStatementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SearchStatement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SearchStatementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SearchStatement was not found.
| SegmentationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Segmentation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SegmentationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Segmentation was not found.
| SegmentCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SegmentCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SegmentCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SegmentCode was not found.
| SequenceNumberAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SequenceNumber was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SequenceNumberNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SequenceNumber was not found.
| ServiceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Service was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ServiceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Service was not found.
| ServiceUserAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ServiceUser was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ServiceUserDynamicAttributeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ServiceUserDynamicAttribute was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ServiceUserDynamicAttributeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ServiceUserDynamicAttribute was not found.
| ServiceUserNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ServiceUser was not found.
| ServiceUserServiceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ServiceUserService was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ServiceUserServiceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ServiceUserService was not found.
| ShippingMethodAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ShippingMethod was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ShippingMethodNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ShippingMethod was not found.
| StatementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Statement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| StatementGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a StatementGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| StatementGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that StatementGroup was not found.
| StatementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Statement was not found.
| StreetAlternativeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a StreetAlternative was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| StreetAlternativeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that StreetAlternative was not found.
| StreetStandardAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a StreetStandard was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| StreetStandardNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that StreetStandard was not found.
| SubscriptionAddressAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SubscriptionAddress was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SubscriptionAddressNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SubscriptionAddress was not found.
| SubscriptionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Subscription was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement was not found.
| SubscriptionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Subscription was not found.
| SubscriptionPostActivityAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SubscriptionPostActivity was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SubscriptionPostActivityNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SubscriptionPostActivity was not found.
| SubscriptionSaleParameterAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SubscriptionSaleParameter was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SubscriptionSaleParameterNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SubscriptionSaleParameter was not found.
| SupplementServiceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SupplementService was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SupplementServiceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SupplementService was not found.
| SystemFault |
A fault indicating that there's some unspecified problem with the system. The exception message may contain more information.
| SystemFunctionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SystemFunction was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SystemFunctionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SystemFunction was not found.
| SystemOccurrenceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SystemOccurrence was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SystemOccurrenceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SystemOccurrence was not found.
| SystemRoleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SystemRole was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SystemRoleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SystemRole was not found.
| SystemSettingAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SystemSetting was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SystemSettingNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SystemSetting was not found.
| SystemUserAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SystemUser was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SystemUserAuditLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a SystemUserAuditLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| SystemUserAuditLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SystemUserAuditLog was not found.
| SystemUserNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that SystemUser was not found.
| TaxAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Tax was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TaxNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Tax was not found.
| TaxPeriodAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a TaxPeriod was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TaxPeriodNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that TaxPeriod was not found.
| TaxTransactionAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a TaxTransaction was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TaxTransactionNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that TaxTransaction was not found.
| TermAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Term was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TermNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Term was not found.
| TermUnitAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a TermUnit was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TermUnitNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that TermUnit was not found.
| TermUnitTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a TermUnitType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TermUnitTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that TermUnitType was not found.
| Title_x_PaymentTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Title_x_PaymentType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Title_x_PaymentTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Title_x_PaymentType was not found.
| Title_x_SystemOccurrenceAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Title_x_SystemOccurrence was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| Title_x_SystemOccurrenceNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Title_x_SystemOccurrence was not found.
| TitleAdministrationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a TitleAdministration was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TitleAdministrationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that TitleAdministration was not found.
| TitleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Title was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TitleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Title was not found.
| TransactionStateAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a TransactionState was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TransactionStateNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that TransactionState was not found.
| TransportCodeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a TransportCode was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| TransportCodeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that TransportCode was not found.
| UMSConfigurationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an UMSConfiguration was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| UMSConfigurationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that UMSConfiguration was not found.
| UMSResponseAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an UMSResponse was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| UMSResponseNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that UMSResponse was not found.
| UMSVoiceConfigurationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an UMSVoiceConfiguration was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| UMSVoiceConfigurationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that UMSVoiceConfiguration was not found.
| UMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| UMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response was not found.
| UMSVoiceProfileAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an UMSVoiceProfile was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| UMSVoiceProfileNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that UMSVoiceProfile was not found.
| UniqueKeyViolationFault |
A fault indicating that a unique key has been violated. The unique key could be a primary key, or another candidate key.
| User_x_RoleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that an User_x_Role was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| User_x_RoleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that User_x_Role was not found.
| ValidationAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Validation was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ValidationDetailAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ValidationDetail was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ValidationDetailNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ValidationDetail was not found.
| ValidationNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Validation was not found.
| VehicleAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Vehicle was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| VehicleNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Vehicle was not found.
| VippsChargeLogAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a VippsChargeLog was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| VippsChargeLogNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that VippsChargeLog was not found.
| VolumeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Volume was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| VolumeChangeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a VolumeChange was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| VolumeChangeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that VolumeChange was not found.
| VolumeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Volume was not found.
| ZipAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a Zip was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ZipCodeGroupAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ZipCodeGroup was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ZipCodeGroupNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ZipCodeGroup was not found.
| ZipCodeGroupTypeAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ZipCodeGroupType was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ZipCodeGroupTypeNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ZipCodeGroupType was not found.
| ZipCodeIntervalAlreadyExistsFault |
A fault indicating that a ZipCodeInterval was already present in the database,
based on the primary key or another candidate key.
| ZipCodeIntervalNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that ZipCodeInterval was not found.
| ZipNotFoundFault |
A fault indicating that Zip was not found.