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TransportRegistration Class

Data Contract class that gives Primary Distribution details for the given Retaielr
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.Transport
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public class TransportRegistration : INotifyPropertyChanged

The TransportRegistration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArea Gets or sets the area.
Public propertyDayOfWeek Gets or sets the day of week.
Public propertyDistributionCompanyId Gets or sets the distribution comapny id.
Public propertyDropOffPoint Gets or sets the drop off point.
Public propertyEditionCode Gets or sets the edition code.
Public propertyPostageCategory Gets or sets the postage category.
Public propertyRouteDescription1 Gets or sets the route description1.
Public propertyRouteDescription2 Gets or sets the route description2.
Public propertyRouteDescription3 Gets or sets the route description3.
Public propertyRouteDescription4 Gets or sets the route description4.
Public propertyRouteNumber Gets or sets the route number.
Public propertyShippingMethod Gets or sets the shipping method.
Public propertySubVehicleNumber Gets or sets the sub vehicle number.
Public propertyTitleCode Gets or sets the title code.
Public propertyVehicleNumber Gets or sets the vehicle number.
See Also