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RetailerBillPayerData Class

A class for holding some minimal data (mostly address data) for a RetailerBillPayer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.Retail
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public class RetailerBillPayerData

The RetailerBillPayerData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddressExtension1 Gets or sets the first address extension line of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyAddressExtension2 Gets or sets the second address extension line of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyCOAddress Gets or sets the CO address of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyCustomerId Gets or sets the customer id.
Public propertyEndDate Gets or sets the end date.
Public propertyEntrance Gets or sets the entrance of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyGlobalLocationNumber Gets or sets the global location number of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyHouseNumber Gets or sets the house number of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyName Gets or sets the name of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyRequisitionCode Gets or sets the requisition code of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyRetailerBillPayer Gets or sets the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyRetailerBillPayerId Gets or sets the retailer bill payer ID.
Public propertyRetailerNumber Gets or sets the retailer number (which is also the retailer bill payer number).
Public propertyStartDate Gets or sets the start date.
Public propertyStreetName Gets or sets the street name of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyTelephone Gets or sets the telephone.
Public propertyZipCode Gets or sets the postal code of the retailer bill payer.
Public propertyZipText Gets or sets the postal text of the retailer bill payer.
See Also