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RetailerDistributionData Class

Provides data for the UpdateDistributionData service operation of IRetailerService.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.Retail
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public class RetailerDistributionData

The RetailerDistributionData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddressCode Gets or sets the primary address code of this retailer.
Public propertyDeliveryText Gets or sets the delivery text of this retailer.
Public propertyDistributionCompanyId Gets or sets the ID of the primary distribution company of this retailer.
Public propertyDistributionDeliveryCode Gets or sets the primary distribution delivery code of this retailer.
Public propertyDistributionSortCode Gets or sets the primary distribution sort code of this retailer.
Public propertyGateVeiId Gets or sets the GateVei ID of this retailer.
Public propertyRouteId Gets or sets the primary route ID of this retailer.
Public propertyRouteOverridden Gets or sets a value indicating whether the route mapping of this retailer has been overridden.
Public propertySecondaryAddressCode Gets or sets the secondary address code of this retailer.
Public propertySecondaryDistributionCompanyId Gets or sets the ID of the secondary distribution company of this retailer.
Public propertySecondaryDistributionDeliveryCode Gets or sets the secondary distribution delivery code of this delivery.
Public propertySecondaryDistributionSortCode Gets or sets the secondary distribution sort code of this retailer.
Public propertySecondaryRouteId Gets or sets the secondary route ID of this retailer.
See Also