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RetailInvoicingResetResult Class

Represents the result of an invoicing reset operation for the retail module.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.Retail
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public class RetailInvoicingResetResult

The RetailInvoicingResetResult type exposes the following members.

Public propertyInvoiceHistoriesDeleted Gets or sets the number of RetailerInvoiceHistory objects that were deleted.
Public propertyInvoiceLineHistoriesDeleted Gets or sets the number of RetailerInvoiceLineHistory objects that were deleted.
Public propertyInvoiceLinesDeleted Gets or sets the number of RetailerInvoiceLine objects that were deleted.
Public propertyInvoiceLinesDeletedTotal Gets the total number of invoice lines that were deleted (RetailerInvoiceLine + RetailerInvoiceLineHistory).
Public propertyInvoiceSumHistoriesDeleted Gets or sets the number of RetailerInvoiceSumHistory objects that were deleted.
Public propertyInvoiceSumsDeleted Gets or sets the number of RetailerInvoiceSum objects that were deleted.
Public propertyInvoiceSumsDeletedTotal Gets the total number of invoice sums that were deleted (RetailerInvoiceSum + RetailerInvoiceSumHistory).
Public propertyNextAvailableInvoiceNumberWasReset Gets or sets a value indicating whether the next available invoice number was also reset.
Public propertyStatisticsObjectsBackTransferred Gets or sets the number of objects that were transferred from RetailerDeliveryStatistics to RetailerDelivery.
Public propertyStatisticsObjectsDeleted Gets or sets the number of RetailerDeliveryStatistics objects that were deleted.
See Also