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The Infosystem has a module for sending SMS message using UMS as a provider. The following describes the use of this integration via the web service API.

Sending Messages

To send a message to a customer you basically need to know two things.

  1. The telephone number to send a message to

  2. The UMS configuration code

The telephone number is rather obvious, the UMS configuration code however is basically a pointer to the integration details for UMS. This is needed because there can be multiple UMS configurations, and each configuration determines the sender of the message and various other details. If you are a third party integrating with the system contact your customer about the possibly values of this code, if you are the customer someone in your organization have set this up and should be able to give you the values.

Sample Request for sending a message
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
        <ns:Message>This is an awesome test message</ns:Message>

Logging messages sent to customers

Having a look at SendSMSRequest you will notice that there is a property CustomerNumber. Using this property is optional, but IF you provide it, a communication entry will be logged on the customer containing the message that is being sent. This entry is available in the client so the customer services can see what has been sent.

Request for sending a message with customernumber
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
        <ns:Message>This is an awesome test message</ns:Message>

Note that no matter which customernumber is specified, the telephone number that is send in will be used.

Sending a message without knowing the telephonenumber

If for some reason you have the customer number, but you don't have the telephonenumber, and you still want to send a message to said customer. This can be achieved by specifying the CustomerNumber and hoping that the customer has a configured telephone number. If he/she has a message will be sent, AND logged.

Request for sending a message with no telephone number
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
        <ns:Message>This is an awesome test message</ns:Message>

Sending messages in bulk

For now there is no option of sending message in bulk. For reasonable amounts of messages this can be achieved by just issuing multiple requests, however if you need it for large bulks, let us know and we can expose the functionality in the API.

See Also