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Infosoft.Webservices.CustomerServices Namespace

Public classCallresultCustomerService An implementation of the CustomerService using Callresult as a middle layer.
Public classCreateCustomerGdprXmlDataRequest A message containing parameters needed to get all data that is registered in the system for the customer.
Public classCreateCustomerGdprXmlDataResponse Message containing all customer data as it is registered in the system.
Public classCreateCustomerRequest A message containing parameters needed to create a new customer without a subscription. How each parameter set changes behavior is dependent on the handler of the message (i.e. the web method invoked).
Public classCreateCustomerReservationRequest A message containing parameters needed to create a new customer reservation.
Public classCreateCustomerReservationsRequest A message containing parameters needed to create a new customer reservations.
Public classCreateCustomerResponse Message containing the order data as it was registered in the system.
Public classCustomerDynamicAttributeService An implementation of the ICustomerDynamicAttributeService
Public classCustomerReservationListResponse Message containing the customer reservations.
Public classCustomerReservationService An implementation of the ICustomerReservationService
Public classCustomerService An implementation of the CustomerService.
Public classDeleteCustomerReservationsRequest A message containing parameters needed to delete a customer reservation.
Public classDynamicAttributesListResponse
Public classGeneralDataProtectionRegulationService A service for retrieveing all data that is registered on a customer.
Public classGetCustomerDynamicAttributesRequest
Public classGetCustomerReservationRequest A message containing parameters needed to get a customers reservations.
Public classSetDynamicAttributesRequest
Public classUpdateCustomerDetailsRequest 
Public classUpdateCustomerDetailsResponse 
Public interfaceICustomerReservationService This service can be used for creating and getting customer reservations for a customer.
Public interfaceICustomerService A service for creating and possibly editing customer core information.
Public interfaceIGeneralDataProtectionRegulationService An interface for retrieveing all data that is registered on a customer.