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ISubscriptionUserServiceGetSubscriptionUserMappingsByUser Method

Gets the subscription user mappings by a user identifier. If the Infosoft user register module is available the UserIdentifier has to be the e-mail/username of the serviceuser. Otherwise it has to match the ExternalUser given when mapping the subscription with the user.

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.ServiceContracts.Subscriptions
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:


request  GetSubscriptionUserMappingByUserRequest
The request containing the user identifier to find the mappings for.

Return Value

A response containing the subscription mappings for the given user
It is possible to retrieve the "owning" customers user instance as well be specifiying IncludeCustomerUser, note that this user is actually stored somewhere else and therefore does not have a SubscriptionUser_Id.
This feature is only available if utilizing the infosoft user register as the store for web accounts/users.
See Also