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SubscriptionChangeServiceUpdateFixedSettlingDate Method

Updates the subscription fixed settling date.

Namespace: Infosoft.Webservices.Subscription
Assembly: Infosoft.Webservices (in Infosoft.Webservices.dll) Version:
public UpdateFixedSettlingDateResponse UpdateFixedSettlingDate(
	UpdateFixedSettlingDateRequest request


request  UpdateFixedSettlingDateRequest
The request.

Return Value

A response object reflecting the changes done.


FaultExceptionTDetailNo SubscriptionIdentifier input given, cannot continue
FaultExceptionTDetailCustomernumber cannot be 0, minvalue or maxvalue, please specify a proper customer number
FaultExceptionTDetailUnable to find customer with the given customernumber
FaultExceptionTDetailUnable to find title with the given TitleCode
FaultExceptionTDetailFixedSettlingDay must be av number inside the range from 1 to 31, please specify a proper value
FaultExceptionTDetailFixedSettlingMonth must be av number inside the range from 1 to 12, please specify a proper value
FaultExceptionTDetailNo subscription found for given customer number and title code
It's possible to update both FixedSettlingDay and FixedSettlingMonth. Parameter FixedSettlingDay is required, but FixedSettlingMonth is optional. If you want to set FixedSettlingDate for a day of each month the FixedSettlingMonth must be empty. If you want to set FixedSettlingDate for a day in the year both FixedSettlingDay and FixedSettlingMonth must be set. The FixedSettlingDay can not be outside the range from 1 to 31. The FixedSettlingMonth can not be outside the range from 1 to 12
See Also