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SchedulableJob Enumeration

Defines the job types that can be executed by the scheduler.

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.Scheduler
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public enum SchedulableJob
Member nameValueDescription
NoJob0 A special value that represents an undefined job. This will not be regarded as a valid input to any of the scheduling operations.
Accounting1 Represents a job that executes accounting.
AccountingJournal2 Represents a job that executes accounting journal.
AveragePriceReport3 Represents a job that executes the average price report.
BalanceReport4 Represents a job that creates a balance report for a single title.
CacheReset5 Represents a job that resets the cache on all registered schedulers.
CalculatePriceRegistry6 Represents a job that calculate price registry after price adjustment.
CaptureInvoicePayments7 Represents a job that captures invoice payments for all titles.
CarmaImport8 Represents a job that imports hard bounces from Carma.
ChangePaymentTypeForExpiredCards9 Represents a job that change payment type for subscriptions with expired card.
CombinedMaintenance10 Represents a job that runs daily maintenance for Subscription and Retail, and print production for Distribution, for a single title.
CreateVippsPaymentTransactions11 Represents a job that runs the creating of Vipps paymentTransactions.
CustomExecutable12 Represents a job that executes custom executables, and optionally waits for them to finish.
DailyMaintenance13 Represents a job that runs the daily maintenance operation for a single title.
DatabaseControl14 Represents a job that executes db control.
DimapsExportComplaints15 Represents a job that produces data to DistributionInterchange for complaints.
DimapsFileExport16 Represents a job that executes dimaps outgoing file export.
DiscountStatistics17 Represents a job that calculates statistics based on discounts.
EventTriggerProcessing18 Represents a job that processing all unsent event trigger data in the message queue.
ExecuteInvoiceProductions19 Represents a job that executes invoice productions.
ExportComplaintsToDI20 Represents a job that exports complaint messages and late deliveries to DI.
ExportRecordedTransactionsToAccounting21 Represents a job that exports recorded transactions to accounting.
ExportTotalFiles22 Represents a job that exports the total files for customers and engagements.
ExportWebAccessChanges23 Represents a job that exports changes to web users to an external source.
ExportWebAccessTotal24 Represents a job that exports all web user data to an external source.
ExtendRunningSubscriptions25 Represents a job that extends running subscriptions.
ExternalAccountingExport26 Represents a job that performs an export to an external accounting system.
ExternalPaymentImport27 Represents a job that performs an external payment import.
DimapsFileImport28 Represents a job that performs a Dimaps files import.
DimapsProcessTransactions29 Represents a job that processing incoming Dimaps transactions.
ImportPayments30 Represents a job that performs a payment import.
Initiative31 Represents a job that executes initiatives.
InvoiceHotelPrint32 Represents a job that executes invoice hotel print.
InvoicePrint33 Represents a job that executes invoice print.
MessageQueueDataCollect34 Represents a job that collects different types of data and make new message queue entries if data is different from the data in the queue.
MessageQueueProcessing35 Represents a job that processing all unsent data in the message queue.
MBLDiscountReport36 Represents a job that executes MBLDiscount report.
NotifySubscriptionChanges37 Represents a job that notifies external parties about changes to subscriptions on all titles.
NotifySubscriptionStops38 Represents a job that notifies external parties about stops to subscriptions on all titles.
WriteOffBalance39 Represents a job that writing off balance.
PriceGroupStatistics40 Represents a job that calculates price group statistics.
ProcessChangesFromLandbruketsDataflyt41 Represents a job that processes chnages from Landbrukets Dataflyt.
ProcessEmailQueues42 Represents a job that processes all email queues
ProduceMarketingMaterial43 Represents a job that produces marketing material.
ReadPaymentData44 Represents a job that reads payment data from BBS.
RegisterCreditDays45 Represents a job that register credit days for customers.
RemitmentProduction46 Represents a job that produce remitment.
RemoveReservedFromMarketingActivity47 Represents a job that remove reserved from market activity.
RetailDailyMaintenance48 Represents a job that runs the daily maintenance operation for the retail module.
RetailInvoicing49 Represents a job that that runs invoicing, invoice print and accounting export for the retail module.
RetryingPrintProduction50 Represents a job that runs the print production job in the Distribution application, and automatically retries if it's not ready to be run yet.
RouteUpdates51 Represents a job that runs the route updates.
SignUpSubscribersToElectronicInvoice52 Represents a job that sign up subscribers to electronic invoice.
SignUpSubscribersToVippsInvoice53 Represents a job that sign up subscribers to Vipps invoice.
Sleep54 Represents a job that sleeps for a specified timespan.
Statistics55 Represents a job that calculates all the different statistics.
SubscriptionDailyStatistics56 Represents a job that calculates subscription statistics.
SubscriptionSVAutogiroExport57 Represents a job that exports Autogiro information to an external system. This job will only export for BetalingsService.
SubscriptionSVAutogiroExportToBGC58 Represents a job that exports Autogiro information to an external system(BGC).
SynchronizeSchibstedAccount59 Represents a job that doing synchronization between Infosoft and Schibsted Account Users.
TransferSupplementService60 Represents a job that transfer customers to SupplementService
TransformBalanceToDays61 Represents a job that transform balance to days
UpdateCreditCardInformation62 Represents a job that gets the payment agreements without credit card information and attempts to update them.
ZipCodeStatistics63 Represents a job that calculates statistics grouped by zip code.
See Also