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QueryPaymentResponse Class

Provides data for the response from the QueryPayment operation in IPaymentService.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.MessageContracts.Economy.Payments
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public class QueryPaymentResponse

The QueryPaymentResponse type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapturedAmount Gets or sets the already captured amount, as reported by the underlying provider. Not all providers support returning this.
Public propertyCreditCardInfo Gets or sets information about the credit card that the customer used for the payment. Not all providers support returning this.
Public propertyPaymentProcess Gets or sets the payment process object that represents the ongoing transaction.
Public propertyRemainingAmount Gets or sets the remaining (uncaptured) amount, as reported by the underlying provider. Not all providers support returning this.
See Also