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Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.Economy.Payments Namespace

Public classCreditCardInfo Defines data for a credit card used for a payment.
Public classMobilePayAgreementParameters A mobile pay agreement parameters.
Public classMobilePayPaymentStatus A mobile pay payment status.
Public classMobilePayReceivePaymentsResponse A mobile pay receive payments response.
Public classPaymentAgreementDependency Defines data for an object that depends on a payment agreement.
Public classPaymentErrorParameter Provides data for faults that contain arbitrary error descriptions.
Public classVippsAgreementParameters Provides data for the request to the CreateVippsOrderAgreement operation on IVippsRecurringPaymentService.
Public enumerationPaymentAgreementDependencyType Defines the different types of dependencies for a payment agreement.
Public enumerationPaymentProcessType An enumeration of the different possible payment flow types.