Infosoft. |
Class | Description | |
CreateDailyNewspaperTotalRequest | ||
CreateDailyNewspaperTotalResponse | ||
CreateSumDailyNewspaperTotalRequest | ||
CreateSumDailyNewspaperTotalResponse | ||
CreditInvoiceRetailRequest | Provides data for the request to the CreditInvoice operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
CreditInvoiceRetailResponse | Provides data for the response from the CreditInvoice operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
DeleteRetailerStopsAfterDateRequest | ||
GenerateDistributionMessagesForRetailersRequest | Provides data for the GenerateDistributionMessagesForRetailers service operation. | |
GenerateDistributionMessagesForRetailersResponse | Provides data for the response from the GenerateDistributionMessagesForRetailers service operation. | |
GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberRequest | Defines data for the GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumber service operation in DailyNewspaperNumberService. | |
GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberResponse | Defines data for the response from the GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumber service operation in DailyNewspaperNumberService. | |
GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSumInPeriodRequest | ||
GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSumInPeriodResponse | Provides data for the GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSumInPeriod operation on IDailyNewspaperNumberService. | |
GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSumRequest | Defines data for the GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSum service operation in DailyNewspaperNumberService. | |
GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSumResponse | Defines data for the response from the GetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSum service operation in DailyNewspaperNumberService. | |
GetAllRetailersDeliveryDataByTitleAndPeriodResponse | Provides data for the Response from the GetAllRetailersDeliveryDataByTitleAndPeriodResponse operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetCommissionCodesByTitleRequest | Provides data for the request for the GetCommissionCodesByTitle service operation. | |
GetCommissionCodesByTitleResponse | Provides data for the response from the GetCommissionCodesByTitle service operation. | |
GetDailyNewspaperNumberForMultipleEditionsRequest | Defines data for the GetDailyNewspaperNumberForMultipleEditions service operation in DailyNewspaperNumberService. | |
GetDailyNewspaperNumberForMultipleEditionsResponse | Defines data for the response from the GetDailyNewspaperNumberForMultipleEditionss service operation in DailyNewspaperNumberService. | |
GetRetailerBillPayersWithTitleRequest | ||
GetRetailerCurrentOwnerRequest | ||
GetRetailerCurrentOwnerResponse | ||
GetRetailerDeliveriesByRetailerRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailerDeliveriesByRetailer service operation on IRetailerDeliveryService. | |
GetRetailerDeliveriesByRetailerResponse | Provides data for the GetRetailerDeliveriesByRetailer operation on IRetailerDeliveryService. | |
GetRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsForRetailerInPeriodRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsForRetailerInPeriod service operation in IRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsService. | |
GetRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsForRetailerInPeriodResponse | Provides data for the GetRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsForRetailerInPeriod service operation in IRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsService. | |
GetRetailerDeliveryStatisticsListByJointInvoiceDetailRequest | Provides data for the request to the GetRetailerDeliveryStatisticsListByJointInvoiceDetail operation on IRetailerDeliveryStatisticsService. | |
GetRetailerDeliveryStatisticsListByRetailerRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailerDeliveryStatisticsByRetailer service operation in IRetailerDeliveryStatisticsService. | |
GetRetailerDeliveryStatisticsListByRetailerResponse | Provides data for the GetRetailerDeliveryStatisticsByRetailer operation in IRetailerDeliveryStatisticsService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceDataByTitleAndPeriodRequest | Provides data for the Response from the GetRetailerInvoiceDataByTitleAndPeriodRequest operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceFormularCodesByTitleRequest | ||
GetRetailerInvoiceFormularCodesByTitleResponse | ||
GetRetailerInvoiceHistoriesByJointInvoiceDetailRequest | Provides data for the request to the GetRetailerInvoiceHistoriesByJointInvoiceDetail operation on IRetailerInvoiceHistoryService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceHistoriesByRetailerRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailerInvoiceHistoriesByRetailer operation on IRetailerInvoiceHistoryService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceHistoriesByTitleAndPeriodResponse | Provides data for the Response from the GetRetailerInvoiceHistoriesByTitleAndPeriodResponse operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceHistoryByInvoiceNumberAndTitleRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailerInvoiceHistoryByInvoiceNumberAndTitle operation in IRetailerInvoiceHistoryService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceLinesInIntervalRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailerInvoiceLinesInInterval operation on IRetailerInvoiceService (and the corresponding operation for RetailerInvoiceLineHistory). | |
GetRetailerInvoiceSumByInvoiceNumberAndTitleRequest | Provides data for the request for the GetRetailerInvoiceSumByInvoiceNumberAndTitle operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceSumByInvoiceNumberAndTitleResponse | Provides data for the response from the GetRetailerInvoiceSumByInvoiceNumberAndTitle operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceSumByTitleRequest | Provides data for the request from the GetRetailerInvoiceSumByTitleRequest operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceSumByTitleResponse | Provides data for the Response from the GetRetailerInvoiceSumByTitleResponse operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryByInvoiceNumberAndTitleRequest | Provides data for the request for the GetRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryByInvoiceNumberAndTitle operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryByInvoiceNumberAndTitleResponse | Provides data for the response from the GetRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryByInvoiceNumberAndTitle operation on IRetailerInvoiceService. | |
GetRetailerInvoiceSumsInIntervalRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailerInvoiceSumsInInterval operation on IRetailerInvoiceService (and the corresponding operation for RetailerInvoiceSumHistory). | |
GetRetailerNoteByDateAndTitleRequest | ||
GetRetailerOwnersRequest | ||
GetRetailerOwnersResponse | ||
GetRetailerPricesByTitleRequest | Provides data for the request for the GetRetailerPricesByTitle service operation. | |
GetRetailerPricesByTitleResponse | Provides data for the response from the GetRetailerPricesByTitle service operation. | |
GetRetailersByCustomerIdRequest | Provides data for the GetRetailersByCustomerId service operation. | |
GetRetailersFromRetailerIdsListRequest | ||
MassRegulationSimulationRequest | Defines data for the request for the StartDailyMaintenance service operation in IRetailDailyMaintenanceService. | |
MassRegulationSimulationResponse | Defines data for the response from the mass regulation service operation in IMassRegulationService. | |
MassRegulationUpdationRequest | Contains a class that defines data for the Regulation and updation during Mass Regulationservice operation | |
MassRegulationUpdationResponse | ||
RetailSingleInvoicePrintRequest | Provides data for the request for the PrintSingleInvoice operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
RetailSingleInvoicePrintResponse | Provides data for the response from the PrintSingleInvoice operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartExportResponse | Provides data for the response from an export service operation. | |
StartImportResponse | Provides data for the response from an import service operation. | |
StartRetailDailyMaintenanceRequest | Defines data for the request for the StartDailyMaintenance service operation in IRetailDailyMaintenanceService. | |
StartRetailDailyMaintenanceResponse | Defines data for the response from the StartRetailDailyMaintenance service operation in IRetailDailyMaintenanceService. | |
StartRetailerAccountingSystemExportRequest | Provides data for the StartRetailerAccountingSystemExport operation on IRetailerExportService. | |
StartRetailerAccountingSystemExportResponse | Provides data for the response from the StartRetailerAccountingSystemExport operation on IRetailerExportService. | |
StartRetailInvoiceHistoryTransferRequest | Provides data for the StartHistoryTransfer operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailInvoiceHistoryTransferResponse | Provides data for the StartHistoryTransfer operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailInvoicePrintRequest | Provides data for the request to the StartInvoicePrint operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailInvoicePrintResponse | Provides data for the response from the StartInvoicePrint operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailInvoicingRequest | Provides data for the StartInvoicing operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailInvoicingResetRequest | Provides data for the request for the StartInvoicingReset operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailInvoicingResetResponse | Provides data for the response from the StartInvoicingReset operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailInvoicingResponse | Provides data for the StartInvoicing operation on IRetailInvoicingService. | |
StartRetailMonthEndBalancingRequest | Provides data for the StartMonthEndBalancing operation on IDailyZipCodeStatisticsService. | |
StartRetailMonthEndBalancingResponse | Provides data for the StartMonthEndBalancing operation on IDailyZipCodeStatisticsService. | |
StartReturnNumbersExportRequest | ||
StartReturnNumbersImportRequest | ||
UpdateRetailerCodesRequest | ||
UpdateRetailerCodesResponse | ||
UpdateRetailerDistributionDataRequest | Provides data for the request of the UpdateRetailerSimpleData operation on IRetailerService. | |
UpdateRetailerDistributionDataResponse | Provides data for the response of the UpdateRetailerDistributionData operation on IRetailerService. | |
UpdateRetailerSimpleDataRequest | Provides data for the request of the UpdateRetailerSimpleData operation on IRetailerService. | |
UpdateRetailerSimpleDataResponse | Provides data for the response of the UpdateRetailerSimpleData operation on IRetailerService. |