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Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.DistributionIntegration.Dimaps Namespace

Public classComplaintTransaction Contains a class that represents a Dimaps REK transaction, which is a complaint.
Public classDelayTransaction Contains a class that represents the Dimaps INF transaction, which is a delay in the delivery.
Public classDeliveryStartTransaction Contains a class that represents the Dimaps TIL transaction
Public classDeliveryStopTransaction Contains a class that represents the Dimaps AFG transaction
Public classDiMapsTransaction Shared data for any DiMaps transaction.
Public classErrorTransaction Contains a class that represents the Dimaps FJL transaction, used for registering errors.
Public classInformationTransaction Contains a class that represents the Dimaps INF transaction. used for information exchange that does not require a receipt.
Public classReceiptTransaction Contains a class that represents the Dimaps KVT transaction, used for receipt.
Public classStreetTransaction Contains a class that represents an a Dimaps GAD transaction, used for representing a street in delivery.
Public classUnknownTransaction Represent an unknown/not parsable transaction containing nothing but the payload as it was in the file.
Public interfaceIDiMapsTransaction
Public enumerationDimapsTransactions This enum represents the different dimaps transactions that may exist in the distributioninterchange table.
Public enumerationDistributionForm This enum represents the DistributionForm property in the Dimaps StreetTransaction (GAD).
Public enumerationInformationType This enum represents the Type property in the Dimaps InformationTransaction (INF) object. It can be either REKF or REG. TODO: Explain more specifically what this is used for and means.
Public enumerationPayloadType Indicates the type of the payload. Does it represent what have been changed in a given transaction type or does it present the entirety of the record as it should be after import/export.