Infosoft. |
Interface | Description | |
IAccountTextEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating AccountText entities in the database. | |
IAccountTextQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating AccountText entities in the database. | |
IActiveRouteEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ActiveRoute entities in the database. | |
IActiveRouteQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ActiveRoute entities in the database. | |
IActivityEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Activity entities in the database. | |
IActivityQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Activity entities in the database. | |
IAddOnDeliveryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating AddOnDelivery entities in the database. | |
IAddOnDeliveryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating AddOnDelivery entities in the database. | |
IAddOnEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating AddOn entities in the database. | |
IAddOnPriceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating AddOnPrice entities in the database. | |
IAddOnPriceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating AddOnPrice entities in the database. | |
IAddOnQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating AddOn entities in the database. | |
IAddressEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Address entities in the database. | |
IAddressQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Address entities in the database. | |
IAddressTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating AddressType entities in the database. | |
IAddressTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating AddressType entities in the database. | |
IAdministrationFeeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating AdministrationFee entities in the database. | |
IAdministrationFeeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating AdministrationFee entities in the database. | |
IAlternativeInvoiceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating AlternativeInvoice entities in the database. | |
IAlternativeInvoiceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating AlternativeInvoice entities in the database. | |
IArticleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Article entities in the database. | |
IArticleGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ArticleGroup entities in the database. | |
IArticleGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ArticleGroup entities in the database. | |
IArticleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Article entities in the database. | |
IBalanceReportLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating BalanceReportLog entities in the database. | |
IBalanceReportLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating BalanceReportLog entities in the database. | |
IBankVerification_x_CurrencyEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating BankVerification_x_Currency entities in the database. | |
IBankVerification_x_CurrencyQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating BankVerification_x_Currency entities in the database. | |
IBankVerificationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating BankVerification entities in the database. | |
IBankVerificationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating BankVerification entities in the database. | |
IBundleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Bundle entities in the database. | |
IBundleProductEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating BundleProduct entities in the database. | |
IBundleProductQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating BundleProduct entities in the database. | |
IBundleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Bundle entities in the database. | |
ICallResultEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CallResult entities in the database. | |
ICallResultQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CallResult entities in the database. | |
ICampaign_x_CustomerEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Campaign_x_Customer entities in the database. | |
ICampaign_x_CustomerQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Campaign_x_Customer entities in the database. | |
ICampaignEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Campaign entities in the database. | |
ICampaignQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Campaign entities in the database. | |
ICommissionCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CommissionCode entities in the database. | |
ICommissionCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CommissionCode entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelDirectionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationChannelDirection entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelDirectionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationChannelDirection entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationChannel entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationChannel entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelSetupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationChannelSetup entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelSetupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationChannelSetup entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationStatusEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationStatus entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationStatusQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationStatus entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationTemplateEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationTemplate entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationTemplateQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CommunicationTemplate entities in the database. | |
IComplaintEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Complaint entities in the database. | |
IComplaintQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Complaint entities in the database. | |
IComplaintTextEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ComplaintText entities in the database. | |
IComplaintTextQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ComplaintText entities in the database. | |
IConfigurationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Configuration entities in the database. | |
IConfigurationGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ConfigurationGroup entities in the database. | |
IConfigurationGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ConfigurationGroup entities in the database. | |
IConfigurationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Configuration entities in the database. | |
IContactAgreementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ContactAgreement entities in the database. | |
IContactAgreementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ContactAgreement entities in the database. | |
IContactPersonEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ContactPerson entities in the database. | |
IContactPersonQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ContactPerson entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementDiscountEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementDiscount entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementDiscountQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementDiscount entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreement entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementProductEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementProduct entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementProductQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementProduct entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreement entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementTermEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementTerm entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementTermQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CorporateAgreementTerm entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionCode_x_SystemUserEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionCode_x_SystemUserQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CorrectionCode entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CorrectionCode entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Correction entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Correction entities in the database. | |
ICountryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Country entities in the database. | |
ICountryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Country entities in the database. | |
ICurrencyConversionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CurrencyConversion entities in the database. | |
ICurrencyConversionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CurrencyConversion entities in the database. | |
ICurrencyEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Currency entities in the database. | |
ICurrencyQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Currency entities in the database. | |
ICustomer_x_DynamicAttributeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Customer_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
ICustomer_x_DynamicAttributeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Customer_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
ICustomerBankAccountEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerBankAccount entities in the database. | |
ICustomerBankAccountQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerBankAccount entities in the database. | |
ICustomerCommunicationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerCommunication entities in the database. | |
ICustomerCommunicationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerCommunication entities in the database. | |
ICustomerCorporateAgreementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerCorporateAgreement entities in the database. | |
ICustomerCorporateAgreementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerCorporateAgreement entities in the database. | |
ICustomerDeleteLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerDeleteLog entities in the database. | |
ICustomerDeleteLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerDeleteLog entities in the database. | |
ICustomerEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Customer entities in the database. | |
ICustomerExternalInfoEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerExternalInfo entities in the database. | |
ICustomerExternalInfoQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerExternalInfo entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLimitationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerLimitation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLimitationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerLimitation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerLog entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLogEntryTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerLogEntryType entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLogEntryTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerLogEntryType entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerLog entities in the database. | |
ICustomerOrderEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerOrder entities in the database. | |
ICustomerOrderQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerOrder entities in the database. | |
ICustomerQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Customer entities in the database. | |
ICustomerRelationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerRelation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerRelationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerRelation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerReservationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerReservation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerReservationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerReservation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerSupplementServiceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerSupplementService entities in the database. | |
ICustomerSupplementServiceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerSupplementService entities in the database. | |
ICustomerTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerType entities in the database. | |
ICustomerTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerType entities in the database. | |
ICustomerUserEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerUser entities in the database. | |
ICustomerUserQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerUser entities in the database. | |
ICustomerWebInfoEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerWebInfo entities in the database. | |
ICustomerWebInfoQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating CustomerWebInfo entities in the database. | |
IDailyNewspaperNumberEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DailyNewspaperNumber entities in the database. | |
IDailyNewspaperNumberQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DailyNewspaperNumber entities in the database. | |
IDailyStatisticsEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DailyStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDailyStatisticsQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DailyStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDailyZipCodeStatisticsEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DailyZipCodeStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDailyZipCodeStatisticsQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DailyZipCodeStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryChangeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryChange entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryChangeOrderEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryChangeOrder entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryChangeOrderQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryChangeOrder entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryChangeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryChange entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryDistributionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryDistribution entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryDistributionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryDistribution entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElement_x_FrequencyEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElement_x_Frequency entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElement_x_FrequencyQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElement_x_Frequency entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElementCode entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElementCode entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElement entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElement entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElementType entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryElementType entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Delivery entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Delivery entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryRegistrationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryRegistration entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryRegistrationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DeliveryRegistration entities in the database. | |
IDiscountEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Discount entities in the database. | |
IDiscountQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Discount entities in the database. | |
IDiscountResponsibleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DiscountResponsible entities in the database. | |
IDiscountResponsibleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DiscountResponsible entities in the database. | |
IDiscountStatisticsEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DiscountStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDiscountStatisticsQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DiscountStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDistributionCompanyEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionCompany entities in the database. | |
IDistributionCompanyQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionCompany entities in the database. | |
IDistributionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Distribution entities in the database. | |
IDistributionInterchangeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionInterchange entities in the database. | |
IDistributionInterchangeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionInterchange entities in the database. | |
IDistributionMessageEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionMessage entities in the database. | |
IDistributionMessageQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionMessage entities in the database. | |
IDistributionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Distribution entities in the database. | |
IDistributionTextEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionText entities in the database. | |
IDistributionTextQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DistributionText entities in the database. | |
IDropOffPointEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DropOffPoint entities in the database. | |
IDropOffPointQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DropOffPoint entities in the database. | |
IDynamicAttributeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IDynamicAttributeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IDynamicAttributeTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicAttributeType entities in the database. | |
IDynamicAttributeTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicAttributeType entities in the database. | |
IDynamicReportDataEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicReportData entities in the database. | |
IDynamicReportDataQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicReportData entities in the database. | |
IDynamicReportDataSetupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicReportDataSetup entities in the database. | |
IDynamicReportDataSetupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating DynamicReportDataSetup entities in the database. | |
IEconomySubscriptionLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLog entities in the database. | |
IEconomySubscriptionLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLog entities in the database. | |
IEconomySubscriptionLogTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLogType entities in the database. | |
IEconomySubscriptionLogTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLogType entities in the database. | |
IEditionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Edition entities in the database. | |
IEditionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Edition entities in the database. | |
IEmploymentTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating EmploymentType entities in the database. | |
IEmploymentTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating EmploymentType entities in the database. | |
IEventEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Event entities in the database. | |
IEventQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Event entities in the database. | |
IExternalAccountingEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalAccounting entities in the database. | |
IExternalAccountingQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalAccounting entities in the database. | |
IExternalChangeTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalChangeType entities in the database. | |
IExternalChangeTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalChangeType entities in the database. | |
IExternalDistributionInfoTBEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalDistributionInfoTB entities in the database. | |
IExternalDistributionInfoTBQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalDistributionInfoTB entities in the database. | |
IExternalDuplicateEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalDuplicate entities in the database. | |
IExternalDuplicateQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalDuplicate entities in the database. | |
IExternalPaymentReferenceDueEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalPaymentReferenceDue entities in the database. | |
IExternalPaymentReferenceDueQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ExternalPaymentReferenceDue entities in the database. | |
IFrequencyEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Frequency entities in the database. | |
IFrequencyQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Frequency entities in the database. | |
IFrequencyTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating FrequencyType entities in the database. | |
IFrequencyTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating FrequencyType entities in the database. | |
IHolidayEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Holiday entities in the database. | |
IHolidayQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Holiday entities in the database. | |
IHouseholdEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Household entities in the database. | |
IHouseholdQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Household entities in the database. | |
IHVEMGAAREntityService | A base repository service for manipulating HVEMGAAR entities in the database. | |
IHVEMGAARQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating HVEMGAAR entities in the database. | |
IImportColumnEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportColumn entities in the database. | |
IImportColumnQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportColumn entities in the database. | |
IImportedRetailerEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportedRetailer entities in the database. | |
IImportedRetailerQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportedRetailer entities in the database. | |
IImportFilterValueEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFilterValue entities in the database. | |
IImportFilterValueQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFilterValue entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatColumnEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFormatColumn entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatColumnQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFormatColumn entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFormat entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatLineEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFormatLine entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatLineQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFormatLine entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportFormat entities in the database. | |
IImportLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportLog entities in the database. | |
IImportLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportLog entities in the database. | |
IImportSetupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportSetup entities in the database. | |
IImportSetupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ImportSetup entities in the database. | |
IInfoSystemEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InfoSystem entities in the database. | |
IInfoSystemQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InfoSystem entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Initiative entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeGroup entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeGroup entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeLog entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeLog entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Initiative entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeTaskEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeTask entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeTaskQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeTask entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeTriggerEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeTrigger entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeTriggerQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InitiativeTrigger entities in the database. | |
IInstitution_x_TitleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Institution_x_Title entities in the database. | |
IInstitution_x_TitleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Institution_x_Title entities in the database. | |
IInstitutionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Institution entities in the database. | |
IInstitutionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Institution entities in the database. | |
IInstitutionTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InstitutionType entities in the database. | |
IInstitutionTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InstitutionType entities in the database. | |
IInterchangeLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InterchangeLog entities in the database. | |
IInterchangeLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InterchangeLog entities in the database. | |
IInterchangeLogTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InterchangeLogType entities in the database. | |
IInterchangeLogTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InterchangeLogType entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Invoice entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceFeeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceFee entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceFeeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceFee entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceMessageEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceMessage entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceMessageQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceMessage entities in the database. | |
IInvoicePrintEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoicePrint entities in the database. | |
IInvoicePrintQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoicePrint entities in the database. | |
IInvoicePrintResultEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoicePrintResult entities in the database. | |
IInvoicePrintResultQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoicePrintResult entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_AltTermEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_AltTermQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_CampaignEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_CampaignQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_DateEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Date entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_DateQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Date entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_TermEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Term entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_TermQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Term entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProductionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProductionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceProduction entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Invoice entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceReminderEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceReminder entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceReminderQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceReminder entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceTransactionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceTransaction entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceTransactionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating InvoiceTransaction entities in the database. | |
IISO3166EntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ISO3166 entities in the database. | |
IISO3166QueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ISO3166 entities in the database. | |
IJobExecutionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating JobExecution entities in the database. | |
IJobExecutionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating JobExecution entities in the database. | |
IJobTitleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating JobTitle entities in the database. | |
IJobTitleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating JobTitle entities in the database. | |
IJointInvoiceDetailEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating JointInvoiceDetail entities in the database. | |
IJointInvoiceDetailQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating JointInvoiceDetail entities in the database. | |
ILanguageEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Language entities in the database. | |
ILanguageQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Language entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_CustomerEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Customer entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_CustomerQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Customer entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_ResponseEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Response entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_ResponseQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Response entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivityDiscountEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivityDiscount entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivityDiscountQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivityDiscount entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivityEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivityQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingActivity entities in the database. | |
IMarketingChannelEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingChannel entities in the database. | |
IMarketingChannelQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MarketingChannel entities in the database. | |
IMassRegulationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MassRegulation entities in the database. | |
IMassRegulationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MassRegulation entities in the database. | |
IMembershipEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Membership entities in the database. | |
IMembershipHistoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MembershipHistory entities in the database. | |
IMembershipHistoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MembershipHistory entities in the database. | |
IMembershipQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Membership entities in the database. | |
IMembershipTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MembershipType entities in the database. | |
IMembershipTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MembershipType entities in the database. | |
IMessageEntryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MessageEntry entities in the database. | |
IMessageEntryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MessageEntry entities in the database. | |
IMessageQueueEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MessageQueue entities in the database. | |
IMessageQueueQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MessageQueue entities in the database. | |
IMosaicCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating MosaicCode entities in the database. | |
IMosaicCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating MosaicCode entities in the database. | |
IMunicipalityEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Municipality entities in the database. | |
IMunicipalityQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Municipality entities in the database. | |
INoteEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Note entities in the database. | |
INoteQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Note entities in the database. | |
INotificationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Notification entities in the database. | |
INotificationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Notification entities in the database. | |
INotificationResultEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating NotificationResult entities in the database. | |
INotificationResultQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating NotificationResult entities in the database. | |
INumberCorrectionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating NumberCorrection entities in the database. | |
INumberCorrectionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating NumberCorrection entities in the database. | |
INumberCorrectionReasonEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating NumberCorrectionReason entities in the database. | |
INumberCorrectionReasonQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating NumberCorrectionReason entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientAuthorizationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthClientAuthorization entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientAuthorizationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthClientAuthorization entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientCallbackEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthClientCallback entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientCallbackQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthClientCallback entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthClient entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthClient entities in the database. | |
IOAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey entities in the database. | |
IOAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey entities in the database. | |
IOffer_x_ProductEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Offer_x_Product entities in the database. | |
IOffer_x_ProductQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Offer_x_Product entities in the database. | |
IOfferEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Offer entities in the database. | |
IOfferQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Offer entities in the database. | |
IOfferRuleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OfferRule entities in the database. | |
IOfferRuleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OfferRule entities in the database. | |
IOfficeLocationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OfficeLocation entities in the database. | |
IOfficeLocationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OfficeLocation entities in the database. | |
IOpeningHoursEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OpeningHours entities in the database. | |
IOpeningHoursQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OpeningHours entities in the database. | |
IOrderDiscountEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OrderDiscount entities in the database. | |
IOrderDiscountQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OrderDiscount entities in the database. | |
IOrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IOrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IOrderLineEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating OrderLine entities in the database. | |
IOrderLineQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating OrderLine entities in the database. | |
IPaymentAgreementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentAgreement entities in the database. | |
IPaymentAgreementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentAgreement entities in the database. | |
IPaymentEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Payment entities in the database. | |
IPaymentProcessEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentProcess entities in the database. | |
IPaymentProcessQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentProcess entities in the database. | |
IPaymentQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Payment entities in the database. | |
IPaymentSettlementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentSettlement entities in the database. | |
IPaymentSettlementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentSettlement entities in the database. | |
IPaymentSetupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentSetup entities in the database. | |
IPaymentSetupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentSetup entities in the database. | |
IPaymentStopEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentStop entities in the database. | |
IPaymentStopQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentStop entities in the database. | |
IPaymentTransactionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentTransaction entities in the database. | |
IPaymentTransactionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentTransaction entities in the database. | |
IPaymentTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentType entities in the database. | |
IPaymentTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PaymentType entities in the database. | |
IPermanentChangeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PermanentChange entities in the database. | |
IPermanentChangeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PermanentChange entities in the database. | |
IPostActivityEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PostActivity entities in the database. | |
IPostActivityQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PostActivity entities in the database. | |
IPostageCategoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PostageCategory entities in the database. | |
IPostageCategoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PostageCategory entities in the database. | |
IPostenGateVeiEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating PostenGateVei entities in the database. | |
IPostenGateVeiQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating PostenGateVei entities in the database. | |
IPriceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Price entities in the database. | |
IPriceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Price entities in the database. | |
IProcessingRuleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ProcessingRule entities in the database. | |
IProcessingRuleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ProcessingRule entities in the database. | |
IProduct_x_DistributionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Product_x_Distribution entities in the database. | |
IProduct_x_DistributionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Product_x_Distribution entities in the database. | |
IProduct_x_TermEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Product_x_Term entities in the database. | |
IProduct_x_TermQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Product_x_Term entities in the database. | |
IProductCombinationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ProductCombination entities in the database. | |
IProductCombinationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ProductCombination entities in the database. | |
IProductEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Product entities in the database. | |
IProductionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Production entities in the database. | |
IProductionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Production entities in the database. | |
IProductQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Product entities in the database. | |
IProductReportEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ProductReport entities in the database. | |
IProductReportQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ProductReport entities in the database. | |
IProductSaleParameterEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ProductSaleParameter entities in the database. | |
IProductSaleParameterQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ProductSaleParameter entities in the database. | |
IProviderStatusTranslateEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ProviderStatusTranslate entities in the database. | |
IProviderStatusTranslateQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ProviderStatusTranslate entities in the database. | |
IQueryCombinationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryCombination entities in the database. | |
IQueryCombinationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryCombination entities in the database. | |
IQueryCompositionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryComposition entities in the database. | |
IQueryCompositionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryComposition entities in the database. | |
IQueryCriteriaEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryCriteria entities in the database. | |
IQueryCriteriaQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryCriteria entities in the database. | |
IQueryResultEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryResult entities in the database. | |
IQueryResultQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryResult entities in the database. | |
IQueryStatementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryStatement entities in the database. | |
IQueryStatementGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryStatementGroup entities in the database. | |
IQueryStatementGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryStatementGroup entities in the database. | |
IQueryStatementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating QueryStatement entities in the database. | |
IRelationTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RelationType entities in the database. | |
IRelationTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RelationType entities in the database. | |
IRemitmentEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Remitment entities in the database. | |
IRemitmentQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Remitment entities in the database. | |
IRemovalRuleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RemovalRule entities in the database. | |
IRemovalRuleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RemovalRule entities in the database. | |
IReportEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Report entities in the database. | |
IReportGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ReportGroup entities in the database. | |
IReportGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ReportGroup entities in the database. | |
IReportQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Report entities in the database. | |
IReportSourceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ReportSource entities in the database. | |
IReportSourceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ReportSource entities in the database. | |
IReservationCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ReservationCode entities in the database. | |
IReservationCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ReservationCode entities in the database. | |
IResponse_x_EventEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Response_x_Event entities in the database. | |
IResponse_x_EventQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Response_x_Event entities in the database. | |
IResponseEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Response entities in the database. | |
IResponseGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseGroup entities in the database. | |
IResponseGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseGroup entities in the database. | |
IResponseHistoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseHistory entities in the database. | |
IResponseHistoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseHistory entities in the database. | |
IResponseMaterialEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseMaterial entities in the database. | |
IResponseMaterialQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseMaterial entities in the database. | |
IResponseMaterialSetupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseMaterialSetup entities in the database. | |
IResponseMaterialSetupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseMaterialSetup entities in the database. | |
IResponseQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Response entities in the database. | |
IResponseReportGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseReportGroup entities in the database. | |
IResponseReportGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ResponseReportGroup entities in the database. | |
IRetailEditionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailEdition entities in the database. | |
IRetailEditionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailEdition entities in the database. | |
IRetailerBillPayerEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerBillPayer entities in the database. | |
IRetailerBillPayerQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerBillPayer entities in the database. | |
IRetailerCategoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerCategory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerCategoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerCategory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerChainEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerChain entities in the database. | |
IRetailerChainQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerChain entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryCommissionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCommission entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryCommissionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCommission entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDelivery entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDelivery entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryStatisticsEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryStatistics entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryStatisticsQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryStatistics entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDistrictEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDistrict entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDistrictQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerDistrict entities in the database. | |
IRetailerEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Retailer entities in the database. | |
IRetailerHistoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerHistoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceFormularEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceFormular entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceFormularQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceFormular entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceHistoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceHistoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceLineEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLine entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceLineHistoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLineHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceLineHistoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLineHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceLineQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLine entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceSumEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSum entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSumHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSumHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceSumQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSum entities in the database. | |
IRetailerLocationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerLocation entities in the database. | |
IRetailerLocationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerLocation entities in the database. | |
IRetailerMarketingEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerMarketing entities in the database. | |
IRetailerMarketingQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerMarketing entities in the database. | |
IRetailerNoteEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerNote entities in the database. | |
IRetailerNoteQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerNote entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPermanentChangeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerPermanentChange entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPermanentChangeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerPermanentChange entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPriceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerPrice entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPriceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerPrice entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPriorityCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerPriorityCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPriorityCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerPriorityCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Retailer entities in the database. | |
IRetailerRestartFeeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerRestartFee entities in the database. | |
IRetailerRestartFeeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerRestartFee entities in the database. | |
IRetailerReturnCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerReturnCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerReturnCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerReturnCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerRouteEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerRoute entities in the database. | |
IRetailerRouteQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerRoute entities in the database. | |
IRetailerSeasonCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerSeasonCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerSeasonCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerSeasonCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerStopCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerStopCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerStopCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerStopCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerStopEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerStop entities in the database. | |
IRetailerStopQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerStop entities in the database. | |
IRetailerTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerType entities in the database. | |
IRetailerTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RetailerType entities in the database. | |
IRoadChangeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RoadChange entities in the database. | |
IRoadChangeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RoadChange entities in the database. | |
IRoadEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Road entities in the database. | |
IRoadQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Road entities in the database. | |
IRouteDeliveryIssueEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating RouteDeliveryIssue entities in the database. | |
IRouteDeliveryIssueQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating RouteDeliveryIssue entities in the database. | |
IRouteEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Route entities in the database. | |
IRouteQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Route entities in the database. | |
ISaleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Sale entities in the database. | |
ISaleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Sale entities in the database. | |
ISalesCommissionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesCommission entities in the database. | |
ISalesCommissionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesCommission entities in the database. | |
ISalesPerson_x_TitleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesPerson_x_Title entities in the database. | |
ISalesPerson_x_TitleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesPerson_x_Title entities in the database. | |
ISalesPersonEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesPerson entities in the database. | |
ISalesPersonQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesPerson entities in the database. | |
ISalesSourceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesSource entities in the database. | |
ISalesSourceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesSource entities in the database. | |
ISalesTeamEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesTeam entities in the database. | |
ISalesTeamQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SalesTeam entities in the database. | |
ISearchEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Search entities in the database. | |
ISearchQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Search entities in the database. | |
ISearchStatementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SearchStatement entities in the database. | |
ISearchStatementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SearchStatement entities in the database. | |
ISegmentationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Segmentation entities in the database. | |
ISegmentationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Segmentation entities in the database. | |
ISegmentCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SegmentCode entities in the database. | |
ISegmentCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SegmentCode entities in the database. | |
ISequenceNumberEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SequenceNumber entities in the database. | |
ISequenceNumberQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SequenceNumber entities in the database. | |
IServiceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Service entities in the database. | |
IServiceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Service entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserDynamicAttributeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ServiceUserDynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserDynamicAttributeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ServiceUserDynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ServiceUser entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ServiceUser entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserServiceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ServiceUserService entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserServiceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ServiceUserService entities in the database. | |
IShippingMethodEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ShippingMethod entities in the database. | |
IShippingMethodQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ShippingMethod entities in the database. | |
IStatementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Statement entities in the database. | |
IStatementGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating StatementGroup entities in the database. | |
IStatementGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating StatementGroup entities in the database. | |
IStatementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Statement entities in the database. | |
IStreetAlternativeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating StreetAlternative entities in the database. | |
IStreetAlternativeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating StreetAlternative entities in the database. | |
IStreetStandardEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating StreetStandard entities in the database. | |
IStreetStandardQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating StreetStandard entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionAddressEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionAddress entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionAddressQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionAddress entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Subscription entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionPostActivityEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionPostActivity entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionPostActivityQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionPostActivity entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Subscription entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionSaleParameterEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionSaleParameter entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionSaleParameterQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SubscriptionSaleParameter entities in the database. | |
ISupplementServiceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SupplementService entities in the database. | |
ISupplementServiceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SupplementService entities in the database. | |
ISystemFunctionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemFunction entities in the database. | |
ISystemFunctionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemFunction entities in the database. | |
ISystemOccurrenceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemOccurrence entities in the database. | |
ISystemOccurrenceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemOccurrence entities in the database. | |
ISystemRoleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemRole entities in the database. | |
ISystemRoleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemRole entities in the database. | |
ISystemSettingEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemSetting entities in the database. | |
ISystemSettingQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemSetting entities in the database. | |
ISystemUserAuditLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemUserAuditLog entities in the database. | |
ISystemUserAuditLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemUserAuditLog entities in the database. | |
ISystemUserEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemUser entities in the database. | |
ISystemUserQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating SystemUser entities in the database. | |
ITaxEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Tax entities in the database. | |
ITaxPeriodEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating TaxPeriod entities in the database. | |
ITaxPeriodQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating TaxPeriod entities in the database. | |
ITaxQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Tax entities in the database. | |
ITaxTransactionEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating TaxTransaction entities in the database. | |
ITaxTransactionQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating TaxTransaction entities in the database. | |
ITermEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Term entities in the database. | |
ITermQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Term entities in the database. | |
ITermUnitEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating TermUnit entities in the database. | |
ITermUnitQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating TermUnit entities in the database. | |
ITermUnitTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating TermUnitType entities in the database. | |
ITermUnitTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating TermUnitType entities in the database. | |
ITitle_x_PaymentTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Title_x_PaymentType entities in the database. | |
ITitle_x_PaymentTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Title_x_PaymentType entities in the database. | |
ITitle_x_SystemOccurrenceEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Title_x_SystemOccurrence entities in the database. | |
ITitle_x_SystemOccurrenceQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Title_x_SystemOccurrence entities in the database. | |
ITitleAdministrationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating TitleAdministration entities in the database. | |
ITitleAdministrationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating TitleAdministration entities in the database. | |
ITitleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Title entities in the database. | |
ITitleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Title entities in the database. | |
ITransactionStateEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating TransactionState entities in the database. | |
ITransactionStateQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating TransactionState entities in the database. | |
ITransportCodeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating TransportCode entities in the database. | |
ITransportCodeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating TransportCode entities in the database. | |
IUMSConfigurationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSConfiguration entities in the database. | |
IUMSConfigurationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSConfiguration entities in the database. | |
IUMSResponseEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSResponse entities in the database. | |
IUMSResponseQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSResponse entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceConfigurationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSVoiceConfiguration entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceConfigurationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSVoiceConfiguration entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceProfileEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceProfileQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile entities in the database. | |
IUser_x_RoleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating User_x_Role entities in the database. | |
IUser_x_RoleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating User_x_Role entities in the database. | |
IValidationDetailEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ValidationDetail entities in the database. | |
IValidationDetailQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ValidationDetail entities in the database. | |
IValidationEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Validation entities in the database. | |
IValidationQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Validation entities in the database. | |
IVehicleEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Vehicle entities in the database. | |
IVehicleQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Vehicle entities in the database. | |
IVippsChargeLogEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating VippsChargeLog entities in the database. | |
IVippsChargeLogQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating VippsChargeLog entities in the database. | |
IVolumeChangeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating VolumeChange entities in the database. | |
IVolumeChangeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating VolumeChange entities in the database. | |
IVolumeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Volume entities in the database. | |
IVolumeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Volume entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeGroupEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ZipCodeGroup entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeGroupQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ZipCodeGroup entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeGroupTypeEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ZipCodeGroupType entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeGroupTypeQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ZipCodeGroupType entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeIntervalEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating ZipCodeInterval entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeIntervalQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating ZipCodeInterval entities in the database. | |
IZipEntityService | A base repository service for manipulating Zip entities in the database. | |
IZipQueryService | A base repository service for manipulating Zip entities in the database. |