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RetailInvoicingResult Properties

The RetailInvoicingResult type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFirstAndLastInvoiceNumberList Gets or sets a list of title code, first- and last invoice numbers. When invoicing is for multiple titles we have to keep the first- and last invoice number in a list. The order of the content: Title code, First invoice number, Last invoice number.
Public propertyFirstInvoiceNumber Gets or sets the first invoice number that was generated, or null if no invoices were generated.
Public propertyGrandTotal Gets or sets the grand total sum that was invoiced.
Public propertyIsForMultipleTitles Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is running for multiple titles.
Public propertyLastInvoiceNumber Gets or sets the last invoice number that was generated, or null if no invoices were generated.
Public propertyNumberOfBillPayers Gets or sets the number of bill payers whose address information was written onto invoices.
Public propertyNumberOfRetailersConsidered Gets or sets the number of retailers that were considered by the invoicing routine.
Public propertyNumberOfRetailersInvoiced Gets or sets the number of retailers that were actually invoiced by the invoicing routine.
Public propertyNumberOfRetailersMissingEHFInformation Gets or sets the number of retailers who are missing one or more values for correct EHF-invoicing.
Public propertySumAdded Gets or sets the total number of added copies.
Public propertySumDelivered Gets or sets the total number of delivered copies.
Public propertySumOrdered Gets or sets the total number of ordered copies.
Public propertySumRegulated Gets or sets the total number of regulated copies.
Public propertySumReturned Gets or sets the total number of returned copies.
Public propertySumSold Gets or sets the total number of sold copies.
Public propertySumSubtracted Gets or sets the total number of subtracted copies.
Public propertyTitleCode Gets or sets the title code for which the invoicing was done.
See Also