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OnlinePaymentAgreementService Methods

The OnlinePaymentAgreementService type exposes the following members.

Public methodChangePaymentAgreement Changes the payment agreement of a given subscription.
Public methodCreateCustomerPaymentAgreement Creates a new payment agreement and attaches it to a given customer.
Public methodGet Gets a list of PaymentAgreements matching the specified filter.
Public methodGetAll Gets all PaymentAgreements
Public methodGetCustomerPaymentAgreements Gets all payment agreements belonging to the customer with the given customer number.
Public methodGetPaymentAgreement Gets the current payment agreement of a given subscription.
Public methodGetPaymentAgreementDependencies Gets all dependencies of a given payment agreement ID. A payment agreement cannot be deleted if it has any dependencies.
Public methodGetSingle Gets a single PaymentAgreement matching the provided filter.
Public methodGetSubscriptionGiftPayments Gets subscription gift payments. Not implemented
Public methodLockPaymentAgreement Locks the customer payment agreement with a given ID.
Public methodPerformBalancePayment Performs a credit card payment of a given monetary amount using the given payment agreement ID.
Public methodPerformInvoicePayment Performs a credit card payment on the invoice with the given invoice number/title using the given payment agreement ID.
Public methodRemovePaymentAgreement Removes the payment agreement of a given subscription.
Public methodUpdateCreditCardInformation Attempts to update the creditcard information on payment agreements.
See Also