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EmailConfigurationErrorCode Enumeration

An enum for describing what type of configuration fault it is.

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.FaultContracts.Messaging
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public enum EmailConfigurationErrorCode
Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 The configuration error code that represent the fact that no error code was set. Don't use this on purpose!
ServiceNameMissingOrInvalid1 The service name is missing or invalid
InvalidChannelConfiguration2 The channel is not an email channel or uses an unsupported format (this normally happens when we deprecate stuff or when we try to connect to a channel that is not an email channel).
AuthenticationMissing3 ClientId, clientsecret or tenantId is missing.
See Also