Infosoft. |
Interface | Description | |
IAccountTextService | Service for manipulating AccountText entities in the database. | |
IActiveRouteService | Service for manipulating ActiveRoute entities in the database. | |
IActivityService | Service for manipulating Activity entities in the database. | |
IAddOnDeliveryService | Service for manipulating AddOnDelivery entities in the database. | |
IAddOnPriceService | Service for manipulating AddOnPrice entities in the database. | |
IAddOnService | Service for manipulating AddOn entities in the database. | |
IAddressService | Service for manipulating Address entities in the database. | |
IAddressTypeService | Service for manipulating AddressType entities in the database. | |
IAdministrationFeeService | Service for manipulating AdministrationFee entities in the database. | |
IAlternativeInvoiceService | Service for manipulating AlternativeInvoice entities in the database. | |
IArticleGroupService | Service for manipulating ArticleGroup entities in the database. | |
IArticleService | Service for manipulating Article entities in the database. | |
IBalanceReportLogService | Service for manipulating BalanceReportLog entities in the database. | |
IBankVerification_x_CurrencyService | Service for manipulating BankVerification_x_Currency entities in the database. | |
IBankVerificationService | Service for manipulating BankVerification entities in the database. | |
IBundleProductService | Service for manipulating BundleProduct entities in the database. | |
IBundleService | Service for manipulating Bundle entities in the database. | |
ICallResultService | Service for manipulating CallResult entities in the database. | |
ICampaign_x_CustomerService | Service for manipulating Campaign_x_Customer entities in the database. | |
ICampaignService | Service for manipulating Campaign entities in the database. | |
ICommissionCodeService | Service for manipulating CommissionCode entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelDirectionService | Service for manipulating CommunicationChannelDirection entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelService | Service for manipulating CommunicationChannel entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationChannelSetupService | Service for manipulating CommunicationChannelSetup entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationStatusService | Service for manipulating CommunicationStatus entities in the database. | |
ICommunicationTemplateService | Service for manipulating CommunicationTemplate entities in the database. | |
IComplaintService | Service for manipulating Complaint entities in the database. | |
IComplaintTextService | Service for manipulating ComplaintText entities in the database. | |
IConfigurationGroupService | Service for manipulating ConfigurationGroup entities in the database. | |
IConfigurationService | Service for manipulating Configuration entities in the database. | |
IContactAgreementService | Service for manipulating ContactAgreement entities in the database. | |
IContactPersonService | Service for manipulating ContactPerson entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementDiscountService | Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementDiscount entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailService | Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementProductService | Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementProduct entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementService | Service for manipulating CorporateAgreement entities in the database. | |
ICorporateAgreementTermService | Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementTerm entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionCode_x_SystemUserService | Service for manipulating CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionCodeService | Service for manipulating CorrectionCode entities in the database. | |
ICorrectionService | Service for manipulating Correction entities in the database. | |
ICountryService | Service for manipulating Country entities in the database. | |
ICurrencyConversionService | Service for manipulating CurrencyConversion entities in the database. | |
ICurrencyService | Service for manipulating Currency entities in the database. | |
ICustomer_x_DynamicAttributeService | Service for manipulating Customer_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
ICustomerBankAccountService | Service for manipulating CustomerBankAccount entities in the database. | |
ICustomerCommunicationService | Service for manipulating CustomerCommunication entities in the database. | |
ICustomerCorporateAgreementService | Service for manipulating CustomerCorporateAgreement entities in the database. | |
ICustomerDeleteLogService | Service for manipulating CustomerDeleteLog entities in the database. | |
ICustomerExternalInfoService | Service for manipulating CustomerExternalInfo entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLimitationService | Service for manipulating CustomerLimitation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLogEntryTypeService | Service for manipulating CustomerLogEntryType entities in the database. | |
ICustomerLogService | Service for manipulating CustomerLog entities in the database. | |
ICustomerOrderService | Service for manipulating CustomerOrder entities in the database. | |
ICustomerRelationService | Service for manipulating CustomerRelation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerReservationService | Service for manipulating CustomerReservation entities in the database. | |
ICustomerService | Service for manipulating Customer entities in the database. | |
ICustomerSupplementServiceService | Service for manipulating CustomerSupplementService entities in the database. | |
ICustomerTypeService | Service for manipulating CustomerType entities in the database. | |
ICustomerUserService | Service for manipulating CustomerUser entities in the database. | |
ICustomerWebInfoService | Service for manipulating CustomerWebInfo entities in the database. | |
IDailyNewspaperNumberService | Service for manipulating DailyNewspaperNumber entities in the database. | |
IDailyStatisticsService | Service for manipulating DailyStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDailyZipCodeStatisticsService | Service for manipulating DailyZipCodeStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryChangeOrderService | Service for manipulating DeliveryChangeOrder entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryChangeService | Service for manipulating DeliveryChange entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryDistributionService | Service for manipulating DeliveryDistribution entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElement_x_FrequencyService | Service for manipulating DeliveryElement_x_Frequency entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementCodeService | Service for manipulating DeliveryElementCode entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementService | Service for manipulating DeliveryElement entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryElementTypeService | Service for manipulating DeliveryElementType entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryRegistrationService | Service for manipulating DeliveryRegistration entities in the database. | |
IDeliveryService | Service for manipulating Delivery entities in the database. | |
IDiscountResponsibleService | Service for manipulating DiscountResponsible entities in the database. | |
IDiscountService | Service for manipulating Discount entities in the database. | |
IDiscountStatisticsService | Service for manipulating DiscountStatistics entities in the database. | |
IDistributionCompanyService | Service for manipulating DistributionCompany entities in the database. | |
IDistributionInterchangeService | Service for manipulating DistributionInterchange entities in the database. | |
IDistributionMessageService | Service for manipulating DistributionMessage entities in the database. | |
IDistributionService | Service for manipulating Distribution entities in the database. | |
IDistributionTextService | Service for manipulating DistributionText entities in the database. | |
IDropOffPointService | Service for manipulating DropOffPoint entities in the database. | |
IDynamicAttributeService | Service for manipulating DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IDynamicAttributeTypeService | Service for manipulating DynamicAttributeType entities in the database. | |
IDynamicReportDataService | Service for manipulating DynamicReportData entities in the database. | |
IDynamicReportDataSetupService | Service for manipulating DynamicReportDataSetup entities in the database. | |
IEconomySubscriptionLogService | Service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLog entities in the database. | |
IEconomySubscriptionLogTypeService | Service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLogType entities in the database. | |
IEditionService | Service for manipulating Edition entities in the database. | |
IEmploymentTypeService | Service for manipulating EmploymentType entities in the database. | |
IEventService | Service for manipulating Event entities in the database. | |
IExternalAccountingService | Service for manipulating ExternalAccounting entities in the database. | |
IExternalChangeTypeService | Service for manipulating ExternalChangeType entities in the database. | |
IExternalDistributionInfoTBService | Service for manipulating ExternalDistributionInfoTB entities in the database. | |
IExternalDuplicateService | Service for manipulating ExternalDuplicate entities in the database. | |
IExternalPaymentReferenceDueService | Service for manipulating ExternalPaymentReferenceDue entities in the database. | |
IFrequencyService | Service for manipulating Frequency entities in the database. | |
IFrequencyTypeService | Service for manipulating FrequencyType entities in the database. | |
IHolidayService | Service for manipulating Holiday entities in the database. | |
IHouseholdService | Service for manipulating Household entities in the database. | |
IHVEMGAARService | Service for manipulating HVEMGAAR entities in the database. | |
IImportColumnService | Service for manipulating ImportColumn entities in the database. | |
IImportedRetailerService | Service for manipulating ImportedRetailer entities in the database. | |
IImportFilterValueService | Service for manipulating ImportFilterValue entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatColumnService | Service for manipulating ImportFormatColumn entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatLineService | Service for manipulating ImportFormatLine entities in the database. | |
IImportFormatService | Service for manipulating ImportFormat entities in the database. | |
IImportLogService | Service for manipulating ImportLog entities in the database. | |
IImportSetupService | Service for manipulating ImportSetup entities in the database. | |
IInfoSystemService | Service for manipulating InfoSystem entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeGroupService | Service for manipulating InitiativeGroup entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeLogService | Service for manipulating InitiativeLog entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeService | Service for manipulating Initiative entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeTaskService | Service for manipulating InitiativeTask entities in the database. | |
IInitiativeTriggerService | Service for manipulating InitiativeTrigger entities in the database. | |
IInstitution_x_TitleService | Service for manipulating Institution_x_Title entities in the database. | |
IInstitutionService | Service for manipulating Institution entities in the database. | |
IInstitutionTypeService | Service for manipulating InstitutionType entities in the database. | |
IInterchangeLogService | Service for manipulating InterchangeLog entities in the database. | |
IInterchangeLogTypeService | Service for manipulating InterchangeLogType entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceFeeService | Service for manipulating InvoiceFee entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceMessageService | Service for manipulating InvoiceMessage entities in the database. | |
IInvoicePrintResultService | Service for manipulating InvoicePrintResult entities in the database. | |
IInvoicePrintService | Service for manipulating InvoicePrint entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_AltTermService | Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_CampaignService | Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_DateService | Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Date entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProduction_x_TermService | Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Term entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceProductionService | Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceReminderService | Service for manipulating InvoiceReminder entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceService | Service for manipulating Invoice entities in the database. | |
IInvoiceTransactionService | Service for manipulating InvoiceTransaction entities in the database. | |
IISO3166Service | Service for manipulating ISO3166 entities in the database. | |
IJobExecutionService | Service for manipulating JobExecution entities in the database. | |
IJobTitleService | Service for manipulating JobTitle entities in the database. | |
IJointInvoiceDetailService | Service for manipulating JointInvoiceDetail entities in the database. | |
ILanguageService | Service for manipulating Language entities in the database. | |
ILookupService | A contract specifying methods for entity lookups. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_CustomerService | Service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Customer entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeService | Service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivity_x_ResponseService | Service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Response entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivityDiscountService | Service for manipulating MarketingActivityDiscount entities in the database. | |
IMarketingActivityService | Service for manipulating MarketingActivity entities in the database. | |
IMarketingChannelService | Service for manipulating MarketingChannel entities in the database. | |
IMassRegulationService | Service for manipulating MassRegulation entities in the database. | |
IMembershipHistoryService | Service for manipulating MembershipHistory entities in the database. | |
IMembershipService | Service for manipulating Membership entities in the database. | |
IMembershipTypeService | Service for manipulating MembershipType entities in the database. | |
IMessageEntryService | Service for manipulating MessageEntry entities in the database. | |
IMessageQueueService | Service for manipulating MessageQueue entities in the database. | |
IMosaicCodeService | Service for manipulating MosaicCode entities in the database. | |
IMunicipalityService | Service for manipulating Municipality entities in the database. | |
INoteService | Service for manipulating Note entities in the database. | |
INotificationResultService | Service for manipulating NotificationResult entities in the database. | |
INotificationService | Service for manipulating Notification entities in the database. | |
INumberCorrectionReasonService | Service for manipulating NumberCorrectionReason entities in the database. | |
INumberCorrectionService | Service for manipulating NumberCorrection entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientAuthorizationService | Service for manipulating OAuthClientAuthorization entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientCallbackService | Service for manipulating OAuthClientCallback entities in the database. | |
IOAuthClientService | Service for manipulating OAuthClient entities in the database. | |
IOAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyService | Service for manipulating OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey entities in the database. | |
IOffer_x_ProductService | Service for manipulating Offer_x_Product entities in the database. | |
IOfferRuleService | Service for manipulating OfferRule entities in the database. | |
IOfferService | Service for manipulating Offer entities in the database. | |
IOfficeLocationService | Service for manipulating OfficeLocation entities in the database. | |
IOpeningHoursService | Service for manipulating OpeningHours entities in the database. | |
IOrderDiscountService | Service for manipulating OrderDiscount entities in the database. | |
IOrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeService | Service for manipulating OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IOrderLineService | Service for manipulating OrderLine entities in the database. | |
IPaymentAgreementService | Service for manipulating PaymentAgreement entities in the database. | |
IPaymentProcessService | Service for manipulating PaymentProcess entities in the database. | |
IPaymentService | Service for manipulating Payment entities in the database. | |
IPaymentSettlementService | Service for manipulating PaymentSettlement entities in the database. | |
IPaymentSetupService | Service for manipulating PaymentSetup entities in the database. | |
IPaymentStopService | Service for manipulating PaymentStop entities in the database. | |
IPaymentTransactionService | Defines operations for working with paymenttransactions | |
IPaymentTypeService | Service for manipulating PaymentType entities in the database. | |
IPermanentChangeService | Service for manipulating PermanentChange entities in the database. | |
IPostActivityService | Service for manipulating PostActivity entities in the database. | |
IPostageCategoryService | Service for manipulating PostageCategory entities in the database. | |
IPostenGateVeiService | Service for manipulating PostenGateVei entities in the database. | |
IPriceService | Service for manipulating Price entities in the database. | |
IProcessingRuleService | Service for manipulating ProcessingRule entities in the database. | |
IProduct_x_DistributionService | Service for manipulating Product_x_Distribution entities in the database. | |
IProduct_x_TermService | Service for manipulating Product_x_Term entities in the database. | |
IProductCombinationService | Service for manipulating ProductCombination entities in the database. | |
IProductionService | Service for manipulating Production entities in the database. | |
IProductReportService | Service for manipulating ProductReport entities in the database. | |
IProductSaleParameterService | Service for manipulating ProductSaleParameter entities in the database. | |
IProductService | Service for manipulating Product entities in the database. | |
IProviderStatusTranslateService | Service for manipulating ProviderStatusTranslate entities in the database. | |
IQueryCombinationService | Service for manipulating QueryCombination entities in the database. | |
IQueryCompositionService | Service for manipulating QueryComposition entities in the database. | |
IQueryCriteriaService | Service for manipulating QueryCriteria entities in the database. | |
IQueryResultService | Service for manipulating QueryResult entities in the database. | |
IQueryStatementGroupService | Service for manipulating QueryStatementGroup entities in the database. | |
IQueryStatementService | Service for manipulating QueryStatement entities in the database. | |
IRelationTypeService | Service for manipulating RelationType entities in the database. | |
IRemitmentService | Service for manipulating Remitment entities in the database. | |
IRemovalRuleService | Service for manipulating RemovalRule entities in the database. | |
IReportGroupService | Service for manipulating ReportGroup entities in the database. | |
IReportService | Service for manipulating Report entities in the database. | |
IReportSourceService | Service for manipulating ReportSource entities in the database. | |
IReservationCodeService | Service for manipulating ReservationCode entities in the database. | |
IResponse_x_EventService | Service for manipulating Response_x_Event entities in the database. | |
IResponseGroupService | Service for manipulating ResponseGroup entities in the database. | |
IResponseHistoryService | Service for manipulating ResponseHistory entities in the database. | |
IResponseMaterialService | Service for manipulating ResponseMaterial entities in the database. | |
IResponseMaterialSetupService | Service for manipulating ResponseMaterialSetup entities in the database. | |
IResponseReportGroupService | Service for manipulating ResponseReportGroup entities in the database. | |
IResponseService | Service for manipulating Response entities in the database. | |
IRetailEditionService | Service for manipulating RetailEdition entities in the database. | |
IRetailerBillPayerService | Service for manipulating RetailerBillPayer entities in the database. | |
IRetailerCategoryService | Service for manipulating RetailerCategory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerChainService | Service for manipulating RetailerChain entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryCodeService | Service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryCommissionService | Service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCommission entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryService | Service for manipulating RetailerDelivery entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDeliveryStatisticsService | Service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryStatistics entities in the database. | |
IRetailerDistrictService | Service for manipulating RetailerDistrict entities in the database. | |
IRetailerHistoryService | Service for manipulating RetailerHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceFormularService | Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceFormular entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceHistoryService | Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceLineHistoryService | Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLineHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceLineService | Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLine entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryService | Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSumHistory entities in the database. | |
IRetailerInvoiceSumService | Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSum entities in the database. | |
IRetailerLocationService | Service for manipulating RetailerLocation entities in the database. | |
IRetailerMarketingService | Service for manipulating RetailerMarketing entities in the database. | |
IRetailerNoteService | Service for manipulating RetailerNote entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPermanentChangeService | Service for manipulating RetailerPermanentChange entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPriceService | Service for manipulating RetailerPrice entities in the database. | |
IRetailerPriorityCodeService | Service for manipulating RetailerPriorityCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerRestartFeeService | Service for manipulating RetailerRestartFee entities in the database. | |
IRetailerReturnCodeService | Service for manipulating RetailerReturnCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerRouteService | Service for manipulating RetailerRoute entities in the database. | |
IRetailerSeasonCodeService | Service for manipulating RetailerSeasonCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerService | Service for manipulating Retailer entities in the database. | |
IRetailerStopCodeService | Service for manipulating RetailerStopCode entities in the database. | |
IRetailerStopService | Service for manipulating RetailerStop entities in the database. | |
IRetailerTypeService | Service for manipulating RetailerType entities in the database. | |
IRoadChangeService | Service for manipulating RoadChange entities in the database. | |
IRoadService | Service for manipulating Road entities in the database. | |
IRouteDeliveryIssueService | Service for manipulating RouteDeliveryIssue entities in the database. | |
IRouteService | Service for manipulating Route entities in the database. | |
ISalesCommissionService | Service for manipulating SalesCommission entities in the database. | |
ISaleService | Service for manipulating Sale entities in the database. | |
ISalesPerson_x_TitleService | Service for manipulating SalesPerson_x_Title entities in the database. | |
ISalesPersonService | Service for manipulating SalesPerson entities in the database. | |
ISalesSourceService | Service for manipulating SalesSource entities in the database. | |
ISalesTeamService | Service for manipulating SalesTeam entities in the database. | |
ISearchService | Service for manipulating Search entities in the database. | |
ISearchStatementService | Service for manipulating SearchStatement entities in the database. | |
ISegmentationService | Service for manipulating Segmentation entities in the database. | |
ISegmentCodeService | Service for manipulating SegmentCode entities in the database. | |
ISequenceNumberService | Service for manipulating SequenceNumber entities in the database. | |
IServiceService | Service for manipulating Service entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserDynamicAttributeService | Service for manipulating ServiceUserDynamicAttribute entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserService | Service for manipulating ServiceUser entities in the database. | |
IServiceUserServiceService | Service for manipulating ServiceUserService entities in the database. | |
IShippingMethodService | Service for manipulating ShippingMethod entities in the database. | |
IStatementGroupService | Service for manipulating StatementGroup entities in the database. | |
IStatementService | Service for manipulating Statement entities in the database. | |
IStreetAlternativeService | Service for manipulating StreetAlternative entities in the database. | |
IStreetStandardService | Service for manipulating StreetStandard entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionAddressService | Service for manipulating SubscriptionAddress entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementService | Service for manipulating SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionPostActivityService | Service for manipulating SubscriptionPostActivity entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionSaleParameterService | Service for manipulating SubscriptionSaleParameter entities in the database. | |
ISubscriptionService | Service for manipulating Subscription entities in the database. | |
ISupplementServiceService | Service for manipulating SupplementService entities in the database. | |
ISystemFunctionService | Service for manipulating SystemFunction entities in the database. | |
ISystemOccurrenceService | Service for manipulating SystemOccurrence entities in the database. | |
ISystemRoleService | Service for manipulating SystemRole entities in the database. | |
ISystemSettingService | Service for manipulating SystemSetting entities in the database. | |
ISystemUserAuditLogService | Service for manipulating SystemUserAuditLog entities in the database. | |
ISystemUserService | Service for manipulating SystemUser entities in the database. | |
ITaxPeriodService | Service for manipulating TaxPeriod entities in the database. | |
ITaxService | Service for manipulating Tax entities in the database. | |
ITaxTransactionService | Service for manipulating TaxTransaction entities in the database. | |
ITermService | Service for manipulating Term entities in the database. | |
ITermUnitService | Service for manipulating TermUnit entities in the database. | |
ITermUnitTypeService | Service for manipulating TermUnitType entities in the database. | |
ITitle_x_PaymentTypeService | Service for manipulating Title_x_PaymentType entities in the database. | |
ITitle_x_SystemOccurrenceService | Service for manipulating Title_x_SystemOccurrence entities in the database. | |
ITitleAdministrationService | Service for manipulating TitleAdministration entities in the database. | |
ITitleService | Service for manipulating Title entities in the database. | |
ITransactionStateService | Service for manipulating TransactionState entities in the database. | |
ITransportCodeService | Service for manipulating TransportCode entities in the database. | |
IUMSConfigurationService | Service for manipulating UMSConfiguration entities in the database. | |
IUMSResponseService | Service for manipulating UMSResponse entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceConfigurationService | Service for manipulating UMSVoiceConfiguration entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseService | Service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response entities in the database. | |
IUMSVoiceProfileService | Service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile entities in the database. | |
IUser_x_RoleService | Service for manipulating User_x_Role entities in the database. | |
IValidationDetailService | Service for manipulating ValidationDetail entities in the database. | |
IValidationService | Service for manipulating Validation entities in the database. | |
IVehicleService | Service for manipulating Vehicle entities in the database. | |
IVippsChargeLogService | Service for manipulating VippsChargeLog entities in the database. | |
IVolumeChangeService | Service for manipulating VolumeChange entities in the database. | |
IVolumeService | Service for manipulating Volume entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeGroupService | Service for manipulating ZipCodeGroup entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeGroupTypeService | Service for manipulating ZipCodeGroupType entities in the database. | |
IZipCodeIntervalService | Service for manipulating ZipCodeInterval entities in the database. | |
IZipService | Service for manipulating Zip entities in the database. |