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Infosoft.Common.Contracts.ServiceContracts Namespace

Public interfaceIAccountTextService Service for manipulating AccountText entities in the database.
Public interfaceIActiveRouteService Service for manipulating ActiveRoute entities in the database.
Public interfaceIActivityService Service for manipulating Activity entities in the database.
Public interfaceIAddOnDeliveryService Service for manipulating AddOnDelivery entities in the database.
Public interfaceIAddOnPriceService Service for manipulating AddOnPrice entities in the database.
Public interfaceIAddOnService Service for manipulating AddOn entities in the database.
Public interfaceIAddressService Service for manipulating Address entities in the database.
Public interfaceIAddressTypeService Service for manipulating AddressType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIAdministrationFeeService Service for manipulating AdministrationFee entities in the database.
Public interfaceIAlternativeInvoiceService Service for manipulating AlternativeInvoice entities in the database.
Public interfaceIArticleGroupService Service for manipulating ArticleGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIArticleService Service for manipulating Article entities in the database.
Public interfaceIBalanceReportLogService Service for manipulating BalanceReportLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceIBankVerification_x_CurrencyService Service for manipulating BankVerification_x_Currency entities in the database.
Public interfaceIBankVerificationService Service for manipulating BankVerification entities in the database.
Public interfaceIBundleProductService Service for manipulating BundleProduct entities in the database.
Public interfaceIBundleService Service for manipulating Bundle entities in the database.
Public interfaceICallResultService Service for manipulating CallResult entities in the database.
Public interfaceICampaign_x_CustomerService Service for manipulating Campaign_x_Customer entities in the database.
Public interfaceICampaignService Service for manipulating Campaign entities in the database.
Public interfaceICommissionCodeService Service for manipulating CommissionCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceICommunicationChannelDirectionService Service for manipulating CommunicationChannelDirection entities in the database.
Public interfaceICommunicationChannelService Service for manipulating CommunicationChannel entities in the database.
Public interfaceICommunicationChannelSetupService Service for manipulating CommunicationChannelSetup entities in the database.
Public interfaceICommunicationStatusService Service for manipulating CommunicationStatus entities in the database.
Public interfaceICommunicationTemplateService Service for manipulating CommunicationTemplate entities in the database.
Public interfaceIComplaintService Service for manipulating Complaint entities in the database.
Public interfaceIComplaintTextService Service for manipulating ComplaintText entities in the database.
Public interfaceIConfigurationGroupService Service for manipulating ConfigurationGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIConfigurationService Service for manipulating Configuration entities in the database.
Public interfaceIContactAgreementService Service for manipulating ContactAgreement entities in the database.
Public interfaceIContactPersonService Service for manipulating ContactPerson entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorporateAgreementDiscountService Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementDiscount entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetailService Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementJointInvoiceDetail entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorporateAgreementProductService Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementProduct entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorporateAgreementService Service for manipulating CorporateAgreement entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorporateAgreementTermService Service for manipulating CorporateAgreementTerm entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorrectionCode_x_SystemUserService Service for manipulating CorrectionCode_x_SystemUser entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorrectionCodeService Service for manipulating CorrectionCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceICorrectionService Service for manipulating Correction entities in the database.
Public interfaceICountryService Service for manipulating Country entities in the database.
Public interfaceICurrencyConversionService Service for manipulating CurrencyConversion entities in the database.
Public interfaceICurrencyService Service for manipulating Currency entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomer_x_DynamicAttributeService Service for manipulating Customer_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerBankAccountService Service for manipulating CustomerBankAccount entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerCommunicationService Service for manipulating CustomerCommunication entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerCorporateAgreementService Service for manipulating CustomerCorporateAgreement entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerDeleteLogService Service for manipulating CustomerDeleteLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerExternalInfoService Service for manipulating CustomerExternalInfo entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerLimitationService Service for manipulating CustomerLimitation entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerLogEntryTypeService Service for manipulating CustomerLogEntryType entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerLogService Service for manipulating CustomerLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerOrderService Service for manipulating CustomerOrder entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerRelationService Service for manipulating CustomerRelation entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerReservationService Service for manipulating CustomerReservation entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerService Service for manipulating Customer entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerSupplementServiceService Service for manipulating CustomerSupplementService entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerTypeService Service for manipulating CustomerType entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerUserService Service for manipulating CustomerUser entities in the database.
Public interfaceICustomerWebInfoService Service for manipulating CustomerWebInfo entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDailyNewspaperNumberService Service for manipulating DailyNewspaperNumber entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDailyStatisticsService Service for manipulating DailyStatistics entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDailyZipCodeStatisticsService Service for manipulating DailyZipCodeStatistics entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryChangeOrderService Service for manipulating DeliveryChangeOrder entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryChangeService Service for manipulating DeliveryChange entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryDistributionService Service for manipulating DeliveryDistribution entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryElement_x_FrequencyService Service for manipulating DeliveryElement_x_Frequency entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryElementCodeService Service for manipulating DeliveryElementCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryElementService Service for manipulating DeliveryElement entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryElementTypeService Service for manipulating DeliveryElementType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryRegistrationService Service for manipulating DeliveryRegistration entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDeliveryService Service for manipulating Delivery entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDiscountResponsibleService Service for manipulating DiscountResponsible entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDiscountService Service for manipulating Discount entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDiscountStatisticsService Service for manipulating DiscountStatistics entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDistributionCompanyService Service for manipulating DistributionCompany entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDistributionInterchangeService Service for manipulating DistributionInterchange entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDistributionMessageService Service for manipulating DistributionMessage entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDistributionService Service for manipulating Distribution entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDistributionTextService Service for manipulating DistributionText entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDropOffPointService Service for manipulating DropOffPoint entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDynamicAttributeService Service for manipulating DynamicAttribute entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDynamicAttributeTypeService Service for manipulating DynamicAttributeType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDynamicReportDataService Service for manipulating DynamicReportData entities in the database.
Public interfaceIDynamicReportDataSetupService Service for manipulating DynamicReportDataSetup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIEconomySubscriptionLogService Service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceIEconomySubscriptionLogTypeService Service for manipulating EconomySubscriptionLogType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIEditionService Service for manipulating Edition entities in the database.
Public interfaceIEmploymentTypeService Service for manipulating EmploymentType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIEventService Service for manipulating Event entities in the database.
Public interfaceIExternalAccountingService Service for manipulating ExternalAccounting entities in the database.
Public interfaceIExternalChangeTypeService Service for manipulating ExternalChangeType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIExternalDistributionInfoTBService Service for manipulating ExternalDistributionInfoTB entities in the database.
Public interfaceIExternalDuplicateService Service for manipulating ExternalDuplicate entities in the database.
Public interfaceIExternalPaymentReferenceDueService Service for manipulating ExternalPaymentReferenceDue entities in the database.
Public interfaceIFrequencyService Service for manipulating Frequency entities in the database.
Public interfaceIFrequencyTypeService Service for manipulating FrequencyType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIHolidayService Service for manipulating Holiday entities in the database.
Public interfaceIHouseholdService Service for manipulating Household entities in the database.
Public interfaceIHVEMGAARService Service for manipulating HVEMGAAR entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportColumnService Service for manipulating ImportColumn entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportedRetailerService Service for manipulating ImportedRetailer entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportFilterValueService Service for manipulating ImportFilterValue entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportFormatColumnService Service for manipulating ImportFormatColumn entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportFormatLineService Service for manipulating ImportFormatLine entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportFormatService Service for manipulating ImportFormat entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportLogService Service for manipulating ImportLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceIImportSetupService Service for manipulating ImportSetup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInfoSystemService Service for manipulating InfoSystem entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInitiativeGroupService Service for manipulating InitiativeGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInitiativeLogService Service for manipulating InitiativeLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInitiativeService Service for manipulating Initiative entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInitiativeTaskService Service for manipulating InitiativeTask entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInitiativeTriggerService Service for manipulating InitiativeTrigger entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInstitution_x_TitleService Service for manipulating Institution_x_Title entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInstitutionService Service for manipulating Institution entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInstitutionTypeService Service for manipulating InstitutionType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInterchangeLogService Service for manipulating InterchangeLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInterchangeLogTypeService Service for manipulating InterchangeLogType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceFeeService Service for manipulating InvoiceFee entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceMessageService Service for manipulating InvoiceMessage entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoicePrintResultService Service for manipulating InvoicePrintResult entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoicePrintService Service for manipulating InvoicePrint entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceProduction_x_AltTermService Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_AltTerm entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceProduction_x_CampaignService Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Campaign entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceProduction_x_DateService Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Date entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceProduction_x_TermService Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction_x_Term entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceProductionService Service for manipulating InvoiceProduction entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceReminderService Service for manipulating InvoiceReminder entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceService Service for manipulating Invoice entities in the database.
Public interfaceIInvoiceTransactionService Service for manipulating InvoiceTransaction entities in the database.
Public interfaceIISO3166Service Service for manipulating ISO3166 entities in the database.
Public interfaceIJobExecutionService Service for manipulating JobExecution entities in the database.
Public interfaceIJobTitleService Service for manipulating JobTitle entities in the database.
Public interfaceIJointInvoiceDetailService Service for manipulating JointInvoiceDetail entities in the database.
Public interfaceILanguageService Service for manipulating Language entities in the database.
Public interfaceILookupService A contract specifying methods for entity lookups.
Public interfaceIMarketingActivity_x_CustomerService Service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Customer entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttributeService Service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMarketingActivity_x_ResponseService Service for manipulating MarketingActivity_x_Response entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMarketingActivityDiscountService Service for manipulating MarketingActivityDiscount entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMarketingActivityService Service for manipulating MarketingActivity entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMarketingChannelService Service for manipulating MarketingChannel entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMassRegulationService Service for manipulating MassRegulation entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMembershipHistoryService Service for manipulating MembershipHistory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMembershipService Service for manipulating Membership entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMembershipTypeService Service for manipulating MembershipType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMessageEntryService Service for manipulating MessageEntry entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMessageQueueService Service for manipulating MessageQueue entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMosaicCodeService Service for manipulating MosaicCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIMunicipalityService Service for manipulating Municipality entities in the database.
Public interfaceINoteService Service for manipulating Note entities in the database.
Public interfaceINotificationResultService Service for manipulating NotificationResult entities in the database.
Public interfaceINotificationService Service for manipulating Notification entities in the database.
Public interfaceINumberCorrectionReasonService Service for manipulating NumberCorrectionReason entities in the database.
Public interfaceINumberCorrectionService Service for manipulating NumberCorrection entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOAuthClientAuthorizationService Service for manipulating OAuthClientAuthorization entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOAuthClientCallbackService Service for manipulating OAuthClientCallback entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOAuthClientService Service for manipulating OAuthClient entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOAuthSymmetricCryptoKeyService Service for manipulating OAuthSymmetricCryptoKey entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOffer_x_ProductService Service for manipulating Offer_x_Product entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOfferRuleService Service for manipulating OfferRule entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOfferService Service for manipulating Offer entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOfficeLocationService Service for manipulating OfficeLocation entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOpeningHoursService Service for manipulating OpeningHours entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOrderDiscountService Service for manipulating OrderDiscount entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOrderLine_x_DynamicAttributeService Service for manipulating OrderLine_x_DynamicAttribute entities in the database.
Public interfaceIOrderLineService Service for manipulating OrderLine entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPaymentAgreementService Service for manipulating PaymentAgreement entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPaymentProcessService Service for manipulating PaymentProcess entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPaymentService Service for manipulating Payment entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPaymentSettlementService Service for manipulating PaymentSettlement entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPaymentSetupService Service for manipulating PaymentSetup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPaymentStopService Service for manipulating PaymentStop entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPaymentTransactionService Defines operations for working with paymenttransactions
Public interfaceIPaymentTypeService Service for manipulating PaymentType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPermanentChangeService Service for manipulating PermanentChange entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPostActivityService Service for manipulating PostActivity entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPostageCategoryService Service for manipulating PostageCategory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPostenGateVeiService Service for manipulating PostenGateVei entities in the database.
Public interfaceIPriceService Service for manipulating Price entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProcessingRuleService Service for manipulating ProcessingRule entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProduct_x_DistributionService Service for manipulating Product_x_Distribution entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProduct_x_TermService Service for manipulating Product_x_Term entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProductCombinationService Service for manipulating ProductCombination entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProductionService Service for manipulating Production entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProductReportService Service for manipulating ProductReport entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProductSaleParameterService Service for manipulating ProductSaleParameter entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProductService Service for manipulating Product entities in the database.
Public interfaceIProviderStatusTranslateService Service for manipulating ProviderStatusTranslate entities in the database.
Public interfaceIQueryCombinationService Service for manipulating QueryCombination entities in the database.
Public interfaceIQueryCompositionService Service for manipulating QueryComposition entities in the database.
Public interfaceIQueryCriteriaService Service for manipulating QueryCriteria entities in the database.
Public interfaceIQueryResultService Service for manipulating QueryResult entities in the database.
Public interfaceIQueryStatementGroupService Service for manipulating QueryStatementGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIQueryStatementService Service for manipulating QueryStatement entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRelationTypeService Service for manipulating RelationType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRemitmentService Service for manipulating Remitment entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRemovalRuleService Service for manipulating RemovalRule entities in the database.
Public interfaceIReportGroupService Service for manipulating ReportGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIReportService Service for manipulating Report entities in the database.
Public interfaceIReportSourceService Service for manipulating ReportSource entities in the database.
Public interfaceIReservationCodeService Service for manipulating ReservationCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIResponse_x_EventService Service for manipulating Response_x_Event entities in the database.
Public interfaceIResponseGroupService Service for manipulating ResponseGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIResponseHistoryService Service for manipulating ResponseHistory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIResponseMaterialService Service for manipulating ResponseMaterial entities in the database.
Public interfaceIResponseMaterialSetupService Service for manipulating ResponseMaterialSetup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIResponseReportGroupService Service for manipulating ResponseReportGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIResponseService Service for manipulating Response entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailEditionService Service for manipulating RetailEdition entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerBillPayerService Service for manipulating RetailerBillPayer entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerCategoryService Service for manipulating RetailerCategory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerChainService Service for manipulating RetailerChain entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryCodeService Service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryCommissionService Service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryCommission entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryService Service for manipulating RetailerDelivery entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryStatisticsService Service for manipulating RetailerDeliveryStatistics entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerDistrictService Service for manipulating RetailerDistrict entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerHistoryService Service for manipulating RetailerHistory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceFormularService Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceFormular entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceHistoryService Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceHistory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceLineHistoryService Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLineHistory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceLineService Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceLine entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceSumHistoryService Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSumHistory entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceSumService Service for manipulating RetailerInvoiceSum entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerLocationService Service for manipulating RetailerLocation entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerMarketingService Service for manipulating RetailerMarketing entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerNoteService Service for manipulating RetailerNote entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerPermanentChangeService Service for manipulating RetailerPermanentChange entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerPriceService Service for manipulating RetailerPrice entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerPriorityCodeService Service for manipulating RetailerPriorityCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerRestartFeeService Service for manipulating RetailerRestartFee entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerReturnCodeService Service for manipulating RetailerReturnCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerRouteService Service for manipulating RetailerRoute entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerSeasonCodeService Service for manipulating RetailerSeasonCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerService Service for manipulating Retailer entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerStopCodeService Service for manipulating RetailerStopCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerStopService Service for manipulating RetailerStop entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRetailerTypeService Service for manipulating RetailerType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRoadChangeService Service for manipulating RoadChange entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRoadService Service for manipulating Road entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRouteDeliveryIssueService Service for manipulating RouteDeliveryIssue entities in the database.
Public interfaceIRouteService Service for manipulating Route entities in the database.
Public interfaceISalesCommissionService Service for manipulating SalesCommission entities in the database.
Public interfaceISaleService Service for manipulating Sale entities in the database.
Public interfaceISalesPerson_x_TitleService Service for manipulating SalesPerson_x_Title entities in the database.
Public interfaceISalesPersonService Service for manipulating SalesPerson entities in the database.
Public interfaceISalesSourceService Service for manipulating SalesSource entities in the database.
Public interfaceISalesTeamService Service for manipulating SalesTeam entities in the database.
Public interfaceISearchService Service for manipulating Search entities in the database.
Public interfaceISearchStatementService Service for manipulating SearchStatement entities in the database.
Public interfaceISegmentationService Service for manipulating Segmentation entities in the database.
Public interfaceISegmentCodeService Service for manipulating SegmentCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceISequenceNumberService Service for manipulating SequenceNumber entities in the database.
Public interfaceIServiceService Service for manipulating Service entities in the database.
Public interfaceIServiceUserDynamicAttributeService Service for manipulating ServiceUserDynamicAttribute entities in the database.
Public interfaceIServiceUserService Service for manipulating ServiceUser entities in the database.
Public interfaceIServiceUserServiceService Service for manipulating ServiceUserService entities in the database.
Public interfaceIShippingMethodService Service for manipulating ShippingMethod entities in the database.
Public interfaceIStatementGroupService Service for manipulating StatementGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIStatementService Service for manipulating Statement entities in the database.
Public interfaceIStreetAlternativeService Service for manipulating StreetAlternative entities in the database.
Public interfaceIStreetStandardService Service for manipulating StreetStandard entities in the database.
Public interfaceISubscriptionAddressService Service for manipulating SubscriptionAddress entities in the database.
Public interfaceISubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreementService Service for manipulating SubscriptionExternalPaymentAgreement entities in the database.
Public interfaceISubscriptionPostActivityService Service for manipulating SubscriptionPostActivity entities in the database.
Public interfaceISubscriptionSaleParameterService Service for manipulating SubscriptionSaleParameter entities in the database.
Public interfaceISubscriptionService Service for manipulating Subscription entities in the database.
Public interfaceISupplementServiceService Service for manipulating SupplementService entities in the database.
Public interfaceISystemFunctionService Service for manipulating SystemFunction entities in the database.
Public interfaceISystemOccurrenceService Service for manipulating SystemOccurrence entities in the database.
Public interfaceISystemRoleService Service for manipulating SystemRole entities in the database.
Public interfaceISystemSettingService Service for manipulating SystemSetting entities in the database.
Public interfaceISystemUserAuditLogService Service for manipulating SystemUserAuditLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceISystemUserService Service for manipulating SystemUser entities in the database.
Public interfaceITaxPeriodService Service for manipulating TaxPeriod entities in the database.
Public interfaceITaxService Service for manipulating Tax entities in the database.
Public interfaceITaxTransactionService Service for manipulating TaxTransaction entities in the database.
Public interfaceITermService Service for manipulating Term entities in the database.
Public interfaceITermUnitService Service for manipulating TermUnit entities in the database.
Public interfaceITermUnitTypeService Service for manipulating TermUnitType entities in the database.
Public interfaceITitle_x_PaymentTypeService Service for manipulating Title_x_PaymentType entities in the database.
Public interfaceITitle_x_SystemOccurrenceService Service for manipulating Title_x_SystemOccurrence entities in the database.
Public interfaceITitleAdministrationService Service for manipulating TitleAdministration entities in the database.
Public interfaceITitleService Service for manipulating Title entities in the database.
Public interfaceITransactionStateService Service for manipulating TransactionState entities in the database.
Public interfaceITransportCodeService Service for manipulating TransportCode entities in the database.
Public interfaceIUMSConfigurationService Service for manipulating UMSConfiguration entities in the database.
Public interfaceIUMSResponseService Service for manipulating UMSResponse entities in the database.
Public interfaceIUMSVoiceConfigurationService Service for manipulating UMSVoiceConfiguration entities in the database.
Public interfaceIUMSVoiceProfile_x_ResponseService Service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile_x_Response entities in the database.
Public interfaceIUMSVoiceProfileService Service for manipulating UMSVoiceProfile entities in the database.
Public interfaceIUser_x_RoleService Service for manipulating User_x_Role entities in the database.
Public interfaceIValidationDetailService Service for manipulating ValidationDetail entities in the database.
Public interfaceIValidationService Service for manipulating Validation entities in the database.
Public interfaceIVehicleService Service for manipulating Vehicle entities in the database.
Public interfaceIVippsChargeLogService Service for manipulating VippsChargeLog entities in the database.
Public interfaceIVolumeChangeService Service for manipulating VolumeChange entities in the database.
Public interfaceIVolumeService Service for manipulating Volume entities in the database.
Public interfaceIZipCodeGroupService Service for manipulating ZipCodeGroup entities in the database.
Public interfaceIZipCodeGroupTypeService Service for manipulating ZipCodeGroupType entities in the database.
Public interfaceIZipCodeIntervalService Service for manipulating ZipCodeInterval entities in the database.
Public interfaceIZipService Service for manipulating Zip entities in the database.