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Infosoft.Common.Contracts.FaultContracts.Economy.Payments Namespace

Public classAgreementReferenceMissingFault A fault indicating that no agreement reference was given when it was obligatory.
Public classGenericPaymentProviderFault A fault indicating that some generic error has occurred at the payment provider.
Public classInvalidPaymentOperationFault A fault indicating that a payment operation has been called at the wrong time. One of the most typical causes is that Complete has been called multiple times.
Public classNoSupportForRefundingPaymentsFault A fault indicating that no refund support has been added for this provider.
Public classOrderReferenceSetupFault A fault indicating that there's some problem with the generation of Infosoft order reference numbers.
Public classPaymentAgreementNotActiveFault A fault indicating that an attempt was made to use a payment agreement that was not active.
Public classPaymentAuthenticationFault A fault indicating that authentication has failed when contacting the underlying payment provider.
Public classPaymentParameterFault A fault indicating that validation failed for one of the parameters of a payment API method.
Public classPaymentProviderFault A base fault for faults returned from the various methods on IOnlinePaymentService.
Public classPaymentSecurityFault A fault indicating that the provider flagged the transaction for security reasons, basically meaning that it suspected fraud.
Public classPaymentSetupLockedFault A fault indicating that a PaymentSetup cannot be deleted/modified because it's "locked", typically meaning that it's in use by one or more PaymentProcesses.
Public classPaymentTypeNotExternalFault A fault indicating that a PaymentType is not marked as IsExternal and therefore is not valid
Public classProviderReferenceFault A fault indicating that some reference key (order/transaction) was wrong in the provider's database. Usually this should mean that the transaction was not found in the provider's database, but it could also mean that there was duplication problem.
Public classRefundAmountExceedPaidAmountFault A fault indicating that the refund amount exceed the paid amount.