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InvalidPaymentOperationFault Class

A fault indicating that a payment operation has been called at the wrong time. One of the most typical causes is that Complete has been called multiple times.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.FaultContracts.Economy.Payments
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public class InvalidPaymentOperationFault : PaymentProviderFault

The InvalidPaymentOperationFault type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActualState Gets or sets the actual state, in cases where the problem is that the operation is in the wrong state.
Public propertyErrorParameters Gets or sets a list of parameters that may contain extra information about the error.
(Inherited from PaymentProviderFault)
Public propertyExpectedStates Gets or sets a list of possible expected states, in cases where the problem is that the operation is in the wrong state.
Public propertyPaymentProcess Gets or sets the payment process associated with the payment for which there was an error.
(Inherited from PaymentProviderFault)

In many cases, the ExpectedState and ActualState properties will describe what state the payment should've been in, and what state it was actually in.

If CompletePayment(CompletePaymentRequest) is called successfully and then called one more time, this fault will be thrown on the second call. The thrown fault will have an ExpectedStates that contains Initialized and an ActualState of Completed.

In other cases the ExpectedStates and ActualState fields will not be set, because the cause of the error isn't a state mismatch in the InfoSystems database. An example of this is when CompletePayment is called even though the customer hasn't authorized the transaction, i.e. entered credit card information.

See Also