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IDailyNewspaperNumberService Interface

Service Intrface for all theOpreations on DailyNewsPaperNumber entity.

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.ServiceContracts.Retail
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public interface IDailyNewspaperNumberService : IBusinessService

The IDailyNewspaperNumberService type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreatePermanentDailyNewspaperNumber Adds a new record of DailyNewsPaperNumber to DataBase.
Public methodCreateTemporaryDailyNewspaperNumber Adds a new record of DailyNewsPaperNumber to DataBase.
Public methodDeleteDailyNewspaperNumber Deletes the DailyNewspaperNumber from the given request object
Public methodGetActiveDailyNewspaperNumber Gets the currently active daily newspaper number for a retailer, for some given title/edition/date.
Public methodGetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberForMultipleEditions Gets the currently active daily newspaper number for a retailer, for some given title/edition/date.
Public methodGetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSum Gets the sum for all given editions of the currently active daily newspaper numbers of a retailer, for some given title/date.
Public methodGetActiveDailyNewspaperNumberSumInPeriod Gets the sum for all given editions of the currently active daily newspaper numbers of a retailer, for some given title/period.
Public methodGetDailyNewspaperNumberById Searches the DailyNewspaperNumber for the given ID
Public methodGetDailyNewspaperNumbersListByRetailerAndTitle Gets all the DailyNewspaperNumber for the selected Retailer and the Title
Public methodGetDailyNewspaperNumbersListForRetailer Gets all the DailyNewspaperNumber for a retailer
Public methodGetPermanentDailyNewspaperNumberByRetailerNumberTitleAndEdition Searches the permanent DailyNewspaperNumber for the given RetailerNumber, Title and Edition codes
Public methodUpdatePermanentDailyNewspaperNumber Updates the DailyNewspaperNumber from the given request object
Public methodUpdateTemporaryDailyNewspaperNumber Updates the DailyNewspaperNumber from the given request object
See Also