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Infosoft.Common.Contracts.ServiceContracts.Retail Namespace

Public interfaceIAccountTextService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for Account text.
Public interfaceICommissionCodeService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for commission codes.
Public interfaceIDailyNewspaperNumberService Service Intrface for all theOpreations on DailyNewsPaperNumber entity.
Public interfaceIDailyZipCodeStatisticsService Defines operations related to the DailyZipCodeStatistics entity.
Public interfaceIGenerateDistributionMessagesForRetailersService This defines basic set of Operations on the MassRegulation entity
Public interfaceIJointInvoiceDetailService Defines operations related to JointInvoiceDetail objects.
Public interfaceIMassRegulationService This defines basic set of Operations on the MassRegulation entity
Public interfaceIMassRegulationSimulationService Defines set of actions for simulating and saving the DailyNewspaperNumber value for Retailers' according to filtered criteria
Public interfaceINumberCorrectionReasonService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for Number Correction reason Codes.
Public interfaceINumberCorrectionService Service Intrface for all the Operations on NumberCorrection entity.
Public interfaceIRetailDailyMaintenanceService Defines necessary operations related to running daily maintenance for the retail module.
Public interfaceIRetailEditionService Defines all operations related to the Retail Edition entity.
Public interfaceIRetailerBillPayerService Defines operations related to RetailerBillPayer objects.
Public interfaceIRetailerCategoryService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer categories.
Public interfaceIRetailerChainService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer chains.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatisticsService Defines operations related to the RetailerDeliveryAggregatedStatistics entity class.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryCodeService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer delivery codes.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryCombinedService An aggregation service that combines operations from IRetailerDeliveryService and IRetailerDeliveryStatisticsService.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryService Service Intrface for all the Operations on RetailerDelivery entity.
Public interfaceIRetailerDeliveryStatisticsService File for basic RetailerDeliveryStatistics services
Public interfaceIRetailerDistrictService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer Area Codes.
Public interfaceIRetailerExportService Defines operations related to retailer exports.
Public interfaceIRetailerHistoryService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for Retailer Note.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceFormularService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer InvoiceFormular codes.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceHistoryService Defines operations related to the RetailerInvoiceHistory entity.
Public interfaceIRetailerInvoiceService Defines operations related to invoice sums and invoice lines (RetailerInvoiceSum(/History) and RetailerInvoiceLine(/History)).
Public interfaceIRetailerLocationService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for Retailer Locations.
Public interfaceIRetailerNoteService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for Retailer Note.
Public interfaceIRetailerPriceService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer prices.
Public interfaceIRetailerPriorityCodeService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer priority codes.
Public interfaceIRetailerRestartFeeService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer restart fees.
Public interfaceIRetailerReturnCodeService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer categories.
Public interfaceIRetailerReturnService Defines operations related to returns on retailers deliveries.
Public interfaceIRetailerRouteService Defines operations related to RetailerRoute objects.
Public interfaceIRetailerSeasonCodeService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer Season Codes.
Public interfaceIRetailerService Defines necessary operations related to retailers.
Public interfaceIRetailerStopCodeService Interface defining basic RetalerStopCode operations
Public interfaceIRetailerStopService Defines necessary operations related to retailer Stop.
Public interfaceIRetailerTypeService A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer type codes.
Public interfaceIRetailInvoicingService Defines operations related to invoicing for the retail module.
Public interfaceIReturnNumberImportExportService This defines basic set of Operations for the ReturnNumbers Import and Export