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IRetailerPriceService Interface

A service for doing simple CRUD operations for retailer prices.

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.ServiceContracts.Retail
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public interface IRetailerPriceService : IBusinessService

The IRetailerPriceService type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateRetailerPrice Creates a retailer price code.
Public methodDeleteRetailerPrice Deletes the retailer price Code.
Public methodGetLatestRetailerPriceByCodeTitleEditionAndDate Gets a list of retailer prices, filtered by a code and a title code edition code and Start Date previous to given date.
Public methodGetRetailerPriceByCodeTitleEditionAndDate Gets retailer price Codes by code,Edition,Title and Date.
Public methodGetRetailerPriceById Gets Retailer Price Code by ID.
Public methodGetRetailerPrices Gets all retailer price Codes.
Public methodGetRetailerPricesByCodeAndTitle Gets a list of retailer prices, filtered by a code and a title code.
Public methodGetRetailerPricesByTitle Gets a list of retailer prices by a given title code.
Public methodUpdateRetailerPrice Updates a retailer price code with new values.
See Also