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IRetailerStopService Methods

The IRetailerStopService type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreatePermanentRetailerStop Creates a Retailer Stop
Public methodCreateTemporaryRetailerStop Creates a Retailer Stop
Public methodDeleteRetailerStops Deletes a retailer stops.
Public methodDeleteRetailerStopsAfterDate Deletes the all retailer stops for the given retailer and title that occurs/ effective after a given date(inclusive).
Public methodGetRetailerStopById Searches for the Retailer Stop for the given Id.
Public methodGetRetailerStopsForRetailer Gets all retailer stops for the given retailer.
Public methodUpdatePermanentRetailerStop Updates a Permanent Retailer Stop
Public methodUpdateTemporaryRetailerStop Updates a Temporary Retailer Stop
See Also