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RetailDailyMaintenanceJobIdentifier Enumeration

An enumeration that defines the different job types that can be run by the daily maintenance routine for the retail module.

Namespace: Infosoft.Common.Contracts.DataContracts.Retail
Assembly: Infosoft.Common.Contracts (in Infosoft.Common.Contracts.dll) Version:
public enum RetailDailyMaintenanceJobIdentifier
Member nameValueDescription
Nothing0 A value that represents no selected job. This should never be used directly as an input.
GenerateRetailerDeliveries1 A job that updates new daily newspaper numbers for active retailers for a given title.
ApplyRetailerStartAndStops2 A job that updates the retailers for starts and Stops.
UpdateRetailerForPreviousDeliveries4 A job that updates the Retailers for the previous deliveries.
UpdateDailyDeliveries8 A job that updates the retailer Deliveries
AllJobs-1 A special value that represents an aggregation of all the jobs.
ExecuteMassRegulationForRetailers16 A job that executes all the massRegulation profiles that has to be run during daily maintenance for retailers
DeleteExistingDeliveries32 A job that resets the orderNumber for all the deliveries and deletes all the existing statistics details for the given dat, title and edition codes
InitializeDistributionData64 A job that initializes all the distribution relaed tables
UpdateRetailersWithAddressChanges128 Updates the retailers which are having distribution changes for the given title.
UpdateDistributionRouteDetails256 This job gets all the retailers who have been processed by the previous jobs and Creates Delivery Routes and Messages for these Retailers
GenerateMessagesForRegulatedDeliveries512 This job delets any existing messages with type regulatedDeliveries and Generates new messages for all the regulted deliveries.
TransferDataToDistributionModule1,024 This job inserts required data to the various tables in the distribution Module.
UpdateDailyStatistics2,048 A job that updates the retailer daily Statistics
The numbers assigned to each job should be multiples of 2, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. This is so they can be stored together in a single bit field.
See Also