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InfoWebXMLWebServiceAddContactAgreement Method

Add a new contact agreement for a customer. Updates a contact agreement if one already exists.

Namespace: Infosoft.Webservices
Assembly: Infosoft.Webservices (in Infosoft.Webservices.dll) Version:
public InfoWebCustomerInfo AddContactAgreement(
	string titleCode,
	int customerNumber,
	string commChannelCode,
	string agreementComment,
	string agreementSign


titleCode  String
The code for the subscription title
customerNumber  Int32
The number for the customer
commChannelCode  String
The comunication channel code
agreementComment  String
Agreement comment
agreementSign  String
Agreement signature - e.g IP-address and CWEB or WEB or any other web clients

Return Value

An InfoWebCustomerInfo object containing a list of all the customers contact agreements on the given title. Status code 00 if an agreement was added/updated successfully, for other possible status codes look under Remarks.

Possible status codes:

    See Also