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InfoWebXMLWebServiceGetPermanentChanges Method

Returns a collection of permanent changes between the given dates and type of change for the customer

Namespace: Infosoft.Webservices
Assembly: Infosoft.Webservices (in Infosoft.Webservices.dll) Version:
public InfoWebChange[] GetPermanentChanges(
	int customerNumber,
	string titleCode,
	DateTime startDate,
	DateTime? endDate,
	ChangeType changeType


customerNumber  Int32
The number for the customer
titleCode  String
The code for the susbcription title
startDate  DateTime
Start date for search
endDate  NullableDateTime
End date for search
changeType  ChangeType
The type of change to be searched for, can be MOVE, STOP, PRODUCT,KEEP,GIVEAWAY,RESTART,DISCOUNT, NAME or ALL

Return Value

A collection of InfoWebChange objects with information on the change and statuscode 00 if successfull. If no change is found, or customer number/title code is unknown, an empty collection will be returned.
See Also