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InfoWebXMLWebServiceGetSubscriptionElements Method

Returns a collection of subscription information for all the titles a customer has between a start date and an end date. If the end date is not set it returns all subscription information from the start date. If no start- or end date is set, it returns all subscription information.

Namespace: Infosoft.Webservices
Assembly: Infosoft.Webservices (in Infosoft.Webservices.dll) Version:
public InfoWebSubscriptionElementCollection GetSubscriptionElements(
	int customerNumber,
	DateTime? startDate,
	DateTime? endDate


customerNumber  Int32
The number for the customer
startDate  NullableDateTime
The start date from which the subscription elements should be from
endDate  NullableDateTime
The end date from which the subscription elements should be before

Return Value

InfoWebSubscriptionElementCollection object with a SubscriptionElement for each element found. Status code is 24 if the customer is unknown.
See Also