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InfoWebXMLWebServiceDeletePermanentChange Method

Delete a permanent change. If the permanent change is not imported into the system it using the following properties of the InfoWebChange objects to find the permanent change: StartDate, CRFuntion, CustomerNumber and TitleCode. If the permanent change is imported into the system it finds the permanent change by searching on the InfoWebChange property OriginalStartDate.

Namespace: Infosoft.Webservices
Assembly: Infosoft.Webservices (in Infosoft.Webservices.dll) Version:
public InfoWebChange DeletePermanentChange(
	int customerNumber,
	string titleCode,
	InfoWebChange change


customerNumber  Int32
The number for the customer
titleCode  String
The code for the subscription title
change  InfoWebChange
InfoWebChange object

Return Value

InfoWebChange object reflecting the change that was deleted. Status code '00' if the change was deleted successfully. For other possible status codes, look under Remarks.

Other possible status codes:

    See Also