Info |
public class InfoWebXMLWebService : WebService
The InfoWebXMLWebService type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddContactAgreement | Add a new contact agreement for a customer. Updates a contact agreement if one already exists. | |
AddContactAgreement2 | Add a new contact agreement for a customer. Updates a contact agreement if one already exists. | |
CalculatePrice | Calculates the price based on product, term, currency, discount, number of copies and zip code. The price value is to be found in the Price property of the InfoWebPrice object which is returned. It is important that the product term matches the offer term, for this method to return a price. | |
CalculatePrice2 | Calculates the price based on product, term, currency, discount, number of copies, zip code and address object. The price value is to be found in the Price property of the InfoWebPrice object which is returned. | |
CalculatePriceWithOffer | Calculates the price based on product, term, currency, discount, offer, number of copies and zip code. The price value is to be found in the Price property of the InfoWebPrice object which is returned. | |
CalculatePriceWithOffer2 | Calculates the price based on product, term, currency, discount, offer, number of copies, zip code and address object. The price value is to be found in the Price property of the InfoWebPrice object which is returned. | |
CancelSubscription | Cancels a subscription. This method operates directly on the active database and does not require a manual import. | |
DeleteAndUpdateTemporaryChange | Update a temporary change. You can change start date and end date. | |
DeleteContactAgreement | Delete a contact agreement for a customer on the given title | |
DeletePermanentChange | Delete a permanent change. If the permanent change is not imported into the system it using the following properties of the InfoWebChange objects to find the permanent change: StartDate, CRFuntion, CustomerNumber and TitleCode. If the permanent change is imported into the system it finds the permanent change by searching on the InfoWebChange property OriginalStartDate. | |
DeleteTemporaryChange | Delete a temporary change. If the temporary change is not imported into the system it using the following properties of the InfoWebChange objects to find the temporary change: StartDate, CRFuntion, CustomerNumber and TitleCode. If the temporary change is imported into the system it using the properety DeliveryElementId of the InfoWebChange object to find the temporary change. | |
GetAllDeliveryAddresses | Returns all of customer's delivery addresses. | |
GetAllDeliveryAddressesByDates | Returns all of customer's delivery addresses between the supplied dates. An address will only be returned if it has a start date beginning after the supplied start date, and an expiray date that is before the supplied end date. As of now, it will also return customers current delivery address even though its start date is after supplied end. This is because it will return address with minValue on expiry date. | |
GetAllTitles | Get all titles for a customer. Use InfoWebCustomerInfo objects property InfoWebTitles and loop trough all titles. For each title use IWSubscription to get subscription info. | |
GetBillPayer | Returns the bill payer for given customer, subscription and date. The bill payer object contains status code, bill payers name, address and customer number. | |
GetCampaigns | Returns all of the campaigncodes for a title. It will return all campaigns that are active on the supplied date. If no date is set, it will use todays date. | |
GetCampaigns2 | Returns all of the campaigncodes for a title. This method can also return offers that is not visible on web. It will return all campaigns that are active on the supplied date. If no date is set, it will use todays date. | |
GetCirculationStatistics | Get circulation statistics between startdate and enddate | |
GetCity | Get city by zipcode | |
GetCommChannelsByCustomerNumber | Returns a object which represents all the different communication channels for the customer, and what is the preffered communication channel. | |
GetComplaintCodes | Returns all of complaint codes and texts with the same dsk as the customer having the given customer number. | |
GetComplaintCodes2 | Returns complaint codes. If verifyDistributionCompany is true, then a customernumber and titlecode must be given. The method will then return all complaint codes containing the dsk. If verifyDistributionCompany is false, and a title code is given, it will return all complaint codes on the titlecode. If titleCode is empty, it will return all complaint codes. | |
GetCountries | Get a collection of countries | |
GetCustomerDeliveryAddressByDate | Returns customer's delivery addresse for the supplied date. | |
GetCustomerDynamicAttributes | Get all dynamic attributes on the customer based on the customernumber | |
GetCustomerEconomicStatus | Returns information about the economic status for the customer, including invoice transactions and payment dates. | |
GetCustomerInformation | Returns customer's information based on a customer number and title code | |
GetCustomerInformationByTelephoneNumber | Returns a collection of InfoWebCustomerInfo objects which matches the telephone number. If a title code is sent in as a parameter, the method will also add subcription details if the customer has a subscription on that title. If title code is unknown, this method may still return a found customer but with missing subscription details. | |
GetCustomerNumberBySocSecNbrAndTitle | Returns the customer number for the customer based on social security number and title code. | |
GetCustomerNumberBySocSecNbrAndZip | Returns the customer number for the customer based on social security number and zip code. | |
GetCustomerProductByTitle | Get a customers product by title. Returns the same information as GetCustomerInformationByTitleAndCustomerNumber. | |
GetCustomersReAddresses | Get all temporary addresses | |
GetDeliveryStatus | Get delivery status - such as delivery not started, delivery has begun, delivery is finished, late delivery | |
GetDeviation | Returns the deviations for the subscription | |
GetDistributionDate | Returns the next distribution date based on the given date. | |
GetEmailByCustomerNumber | This method returns an InfoWebCustomerInfo object with username and password. Username is the email property, and the password is the UCode property. | |
GetMarketingActivityByCode | Gets the marketing activity by code. | |
GetMarketingActivityCustomersByDate | Returns a collection of customers which are valid on or after the given date. | |
GetNextDistributionDate | Returns the next distribution date for the title. | |
GetNextDistributionDateBasedOnDate | Returns the next distribution date based on the given date. | |
GetNextUnpaidInvoice | Returns the next unpaid invoice for the customer. | |
GetOffers | Get oll offers for the given title. | |
GetPermanentChanges | Returns a collection of permanent changes between the given dates and type of change for the customer | |
GetPreviousDistributionDate | Returns the previous distribution date based on the given date. | |
GetProducts | Returns a collection of products. Each object contains a collection of terms. | |
GetProducts2 | Returns a collection of products. Each object contains a collection of terms. | |
GetRouteCollection | Get complaint per route | |
GetStopCodes | Returns a collection of the title's stop codes in an on dimensional array. | |
GetSubscriptionElements | Returns a collection of subscription information for all the titles a customer has between a start date and an end date. If the end date is not set it returns all subscription information from the start date. If no start- or end date is set, it returns all subscription information. | |
GetSubscriptionElements2 | Returns a collection of subscription information for all the titles a customer has between a start date and an end date. If the end date is not set it returns all subscription information from the start date. If no start- or end date is set, it returns all subscription information. | |
GetSubscriptionMemberShips | Get memberships for a customer. Memberships can be found by using the following properties of the InfoWebSubscription object: IWMembershipHistoryCollection, IWMarketingActivityCustomerCollection and IWMarketingActivities. | |
GetSubscriptionNetProductStatus | Returns netproductstatus for the customer | |
GetSubscriptionProductInfo | Returns productinfo for the subscription. | |
GetSubscriptionProductMatrix | Returns the customer's subscription product matrix. Use InfoWebSubscription's property ProductMatrix to get product matrix - a string of days. | |
GetSubscriptionStatus | Returns the customer's subscription information. | |
GetTemporaryChanges | Returns a collection of temporary changes between the given dates and type of change for the customer. | |
HasCustomerCard | Check if customer has customer card. | |
SaveBillPayer | Save billpayer for given customer and subscription. | |
SaveCommChannelsForCustomer | Save's the customer's communication channels. Overwrites all values already in database, so if only phone is set, the rest will be set to false. | |
SaveComplaint | Saves complaint from customer. | |
SaveComplaint2 | Saves complaint from customer. | |
SaveCustomerOrder | Saves a customer order for an article. | |
SaveGift | Obsolete. Saves a change for a subscription giveaway to an institution,using "WEB" as change signature. This has nothing to do with a gift to a person. | |
SaveGift2 | Saves a change for a subscription giveaway to an institution. This has nothing to do with a gift to a person. | |
SaveKeep | Saves a keep change | |
SavePermanentMove | Saves a permanent move. Important: If the new address is in a foreign country, the zipcode must be "I/A". The actual zipcode must be written in the AddressExtension-fields on the InfoWebAddress object. | |
SavePermanentStop | Saves permanent stop | |
SaveTemporaryMove | Saves a temporary move. Important: If the new address is in a foreign country, the zipcode must be "I/A". The actual zipcode must be written in the AddressExtension-fields on the InfoWebAddress object. | |
SaveTemporaryProduct | Saves a temporary product change | |
SaveTemporaryProduct2 | Saves a temporary product change with only a start date. The new product has to be registered as a temprorary product for the current product the customer receives. | |
SaveTemporaryStop | Saves a temorary stop | |
SearchCustomersByEmailAndTelephone | Search for customers using either email or telephone number or both. | |
SearchForCustomer | Returns a collection of InfoWebCustomerInfo objects based on the combination of search parameters and search values. The search parameter is of type enum and the search values can contains firstname, lastname, zipcode, birthdate or externalId. All parameters except title code are optional. Use enum type NONE for all search parameters that should be empty. If no titlecode is given no subscription details will be loaded | |
SetCustomerDynamicAttribute | Associate a dynamic attribute and a value with the customer having the customernumber | |
UpdateAddressVisibility | Updates the visibility on a delivery address with the given ID. | |
UpdateCustomerAddress | Update customers address. The customer must be a prospect or passive without a future start. Only supported for the .NET datamodel. Directly against the database (no temporary information) | |
UpdatePermanentChange | Update a permanent change. You can change startdate and address. | |
UpdateSubscriptionDeliveryEditions | This method is only relevant to products that are available as both digital and paper, and paper has to be selectable. The request contains a list of days which should be the days the given customer wants to have paper delivery instead of digital. The days must be correct in regards to the valid frequency and number of editions for the product. If successfull, the change is saved as a permanent change. | |
UpdateTemporaryChange | Update an already registered temporary change. If the temporary change is not imported into the system it using the following properties of the InfoWebChange objects to find the temporary change: StartDate, CRFuntion, CustomerNumber and TitleCode. If the temporary change is imported into the system it using the properety DeliveryElementId of the InfoWebChange object to find the temporary change. | |
UpdateTemporaryChangeExtended | Update a temporary change. You can change start date, end date, address, product/term, gift, keep, stop. If the temporary change is not imported into the system it using the following properties of the InfoWebChange objects to find the temporary change: StartDate, CRFuntion, CustomerNumber and TitleCode. If the temporary change is imported into the system it using the properety DeliveryElementId of the InfoWebChange object to find the temporary change. | |
ValidateAddress | Validates the address | |
VerifyCustomerId | Verifies a customer ID and returns the customernumber if it exists | |
VerifyCustomerNumber | Checks if a customer's customer number is valid through the web service. | |
VerifyCustomerNumberAndNamepart | Checks a customer's customer number and up to the three first letters of the customer's lastname for login through the web service. | |
VerifyCustomerNumberAndZipCode | Verifies the customer based on customer number and zip code | |
VerifyCustomerNumberExtended | Verify customer number and return a login object with status codes telling if the customer number was verified or not. |